Silly Pup
Camera Love
Our Handome Fella
To My Darling Sister
A Look Into The Life Part 1

Living Quarters:

The bunks...yes, the messy one is my Jason's.

Their "wall lockers":

I figured y'all might like a preview of what Jason is living right now. Yes, it's true that things have gotten much better over the years over there, but it's still nothing like home. J and his roomate (his name is Vince) have tried to set their room up to be a little more comfy. As you can see with the rugs, tv, and such. They went in together to buy some extras from the group leaving when they arrived. The guys leaving "recycle" their stuff which is how they get things like tv's for dirt cheap. Jason also took a PS2 and his roomate brought his XBox, so they can still game it up. The Baghdad pictures are from when he and the other guys went over to fix some equipment. That is not where he is stationed. I will be posting more of his surroundings next time.
End Of The Week Recap
3. I got my hair done last week. I went lighter. She did a root lifter and then major high lighting. It's very blonde, and I like it:)
4. Jason sent me recent pictures. Finally! He also sent me some work out pictures. He's getting big. Really big. I'm going to have to step it up. I've lost 22 lbs. as of this morning, but I still have a ways to go.
5. Laura brought Allyson to the Pampered Chef party Wednesday. She was a big help with the preparation, and she kept Alaina occupied too;o)
6. I am such a sucker for dog toys. We went for a check up and he came home with 3 new toys. I guess I need to get him a basket and teach him to pick up after himself. His brother, T-beau (my aunt's dog) has learned how to, so it is possible!
7. I'm proud of Kojak, he now knows sit, lay down, stand, drop it, leave it, wait, and is getting better and better at heel, no jumping, and come. Shake just isn't in his vocabulary for some reason. We'll get it sometime.