Just Feel Like Rambling
The Hustle and Bustle
Finish Laundry and Pack for Maryland
Tue: 6 am - be on base to get orders for Maryland training trip
9 am - pick up rental car for trip
10ish - Drive, drive, drive
Wed, Thurs, Fri: Jason has training in Maryland
Fri: 10 am - Make our way back home
Sat: Celebrate Jason's and my friend, Tiffany's birthdays, going to Mike's Farm for yummy country style dining and a Christmas hayride
One week to be home and relax!
Fri, Dec. 19: Head home to be with our family for Christmas!
I love Christmas time, but man it gets busy!
My New Ride
Happy Birthday Austin!

Goodbye My Trusty Jeep
Got Tagged
1. Who are your favorite authors?
God, Nicholas Sparks, Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker
2. What is your favorite movie?
The Notebook, Top Gun, Fireproof, most all Christmas movies.
3. If you could live any where in the world where would it be?
4. What is your least favorite food(s)?
5. What is your least favorite movie?
Superbad...it was the foulest, dumbest movie I have EVER seen...and I didn't even sit through it all, I couldn't!
6. Who is your favorite actress or actor?
Kirk Cameron, Rachel McAdams, Sandra Bullock, Queen Latifah, Steve Martin
7. What do you do when your bored?
Read, Scrapbook, Knit, Watch TV, Nap, Bake, Shop, Clean...too much to do to be bored!
8. What is your favorite color?
Pink and Blue
9. Least favorite color?
I don't think I have a least favorite. I LOVE color.
10. Who are you going to tag?
Anybody who wants to do this:)
My Uncle Skip
A Bunch of Unrelated Thoughts
2. I'm doing laundry today. It's my least favorite chore. No, no, dusting is. Wait, mopping, that's my least favorite. Nooo..toilets, scrubbing toilets..that's DEFINITELY it.
3. We're going to Mike's Farm on Friday. They have a country style dining restaurant that is so very yummy, then we are going on their spook trail hayride and picking out a punkin. I think it's fun to be a little scared;o) Hence the reason, I too, watch Ghost Hunters (Ash & Jenn).
4. I'm getting a new phone. It's one of those high techie things. It has a whole keyboard that slides out. Texting just got so much easier.
5. There are only 65 days left until Christmas! Where has this year gone? If only next year will go by as quickly!
6. My friend, Jessica, is coming down in 16 days. I haven't seen her in a year and 8 months. It will be a much needed reunion.
7. Jason has a "field op" coming up. He will be "in the field" for 4 days and nights. I sometimes hate military terms. Just say...you'll be camping in the woods for 4 days.
8. I'm totally stoked about our visit to Pine Ridge Church, on Jenn's invitation. Jason and I haven't been this pumped up about church in a long time, as we've had a lot of trouble finding a "fit" with moving around quite a bit.
9. Speaking of Jenn, I finally got to see her after 10 months when we went home and visited Pine Ridge last weekend. It was emotional. Boy, I missed her.
10. The military life doesn't always allow us to see our family and friends as much as I'd like. Military life is good, but it does have it's flaws.
11. I want to see snow. And not just on TV this year.
12. I talked to Austin on the phone the other day. He told me "miss you". Didn't just make my day, made my week.
13. It's lunch time. I know, because my stomach just growled like a stray dog cornered in a restaurant dumpster.
14. Since I now realize it's lunch time, this is my last random thought. I can never remember how to spell restaurant. I realize this is the third time I've used that word in this post, and each time, I have to refer back to spell it right.
I'm Done
Star Struck Part 2
Bethany Joy Galeotti (from One Tree Hill) singing:
The whole night was completely free, it really makes me happy when people do extra stuff for our heroes and their families. Oh, and then the next day, my honey took me to see the places that they film One Tree Hill, since they film out of Wilmington, and that's just a hop, skip and jump away. That was totally neat too, now I just have to go back during filming season, so I can maybe meet some of them;o)
Cookie Baking Day
Star Struck
Picture with ME:)
Signing my book:
He even personalized it:
Yeah, yesterday was a pretty awesome day.
Feeling A Bit Under The Weather
Fall Decorations are UP!
Now, hopefully Tropical Storm/Hurricane Hanna doesn't come blow all my pretty decorations away. We're praying for a mild storm with no damage, and that the other storms will disappear!
We're Gettin' Closer
I Did It!
I'm So Ready...

~Hot chocolate from Starbuck's
An award
My sweet sister, Alaina nominated me for this award. Thank you, hon!
Once an award is received,the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
.2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.
As my policy in the past hasn't changed, if you visit here, or I've commented your page before, consider your self elected for this award:)
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
So True
A Special Anniversary