Aren't they beautiful!?!?

Our boys made their arrival! 6 weeks early, but healthy and hefty! Hunter was 6 lbs. 5 oz., and Noah was 5 lbs. 4 oz. Hefty for 34 week twins, anyways:) They turned 6 weeks old this past Monday, so this is super late, but life has been quite a wild ride lately! Not much time, and lots of adjusting! They only had to spend a week in NICU for monitoring, and helping with their eating, as well as getting their blood sugars up, so we were very blessed with healthy boys! I am typing this out really quickly as they take a short morning nap before we start getting ready for my 6 week post-op appointment today. Doesn't seem real! Hunter broke my water on February 3, shortly after 6 am. My doctor, who was thankfully on call that morning, took them by c-section, as planned, and Hunter was born at 7:22 am, and Noah at 7:24 am. I am thankful we planned on c-section, as Noah's cord was wrapped around his neck twice. God's hand was in all of this, and I will write the whole story soon. But for now, we have two beautiful baby boys, and we couldn't be happier. Well maybe if we were getting some sleep;o)