I'm posting probably for the last time for a few days, the time is 9:43 pm on Monday night, and I literally have only hours before I am reunited with the love of my life!!! We made it, this deployment is over!!! I am typing through tears as the reality is just now settling in that tomorrow morning I will be in his arms once more. It hasn't really felt real, ya know? Tonight it does. I hung my last sign at the entrance to our neighborhood, tied my welcome home balloons on our mailbox, washed our sheets, ironed them and remade the bed, ironed my outfit for tomorrow morning, drew welcome home graffiti on my car windows with white soap (it shows up great and washes off much easier than car window paint), and just now set 2 alarms to make sure I wake up in plenty of time to get ready, and take care of my last minute in-the-morning chores. Jason called around 6 tonight, they had landed at their last stop before the US of A! A small layover and they were headed back to American soil. I give thanks to the good Lord above for keeping him safe thus far, and trust that He will guide them safely home the rest of the way. I'm sorry I won't be around to your blogs for a few days, but I think y'all will understand:) I will post the homecoming pictures as soon as I can!!! Thank you all for following and praying me through this journey, you all have been such a blessing.
I'm just so happy for you both. May Jason receive the hero's welcome that he deserves...that you both deserve. Thank you, Jason, for fighting to keep us all safe.
Ah, sweetie, I was just thinking about you and popped over to wish you well for tomorrow. Praying you get a good night's rest. Many, many blessings to you and your precious husband. Welcome home, Jason!
You and Jason are on my heart this evening. I'm praying for both of you in this precious reunion.
And I am reading this through tears of joy for you and Jason!
Thank you Jason and Christie for the sacrifice you have made for me and our country....
I hope you know how grateful we all are for the sacrifices you made in order to keep us safe!!
I'm happy for you. How exciting.
You have me in tears too.
Can't wait to see the pictures.
Seems the tears are flowing all around. I remember pledging to pray for you both many months ago, adn the Lord has been good. I'll bet you didn't sleep much last night!
Welcome home, Jason, and thank you!
Christie, I'm just so happy for you, honey, and for your sweetie, Jason. Give him a giant hug from all of us! (I think I'm gonna cry. I am crying).
I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes!!
Woo Hoo!!! I'm SO excited for you both!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
I can't wait to see pictures!
Welcome home Jason!!!!! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service and sacrifice!
I got tears in my eyes just reading your post. Have a great time my dear!!! This deployment is over!!! YEAH!!
Hi Christie...I'm so happy for you...this is such an exciting day for you!!!for both of you! I can't wait to see the pictures!!!Welcome home Jason!! I thank the Lord that he has brought you safely home to your sweet wife--Christie!! I hope the neck is feeling better!
and yes Christie--we totally understand you not blogging for a few days!!
This post brought tears to my eyes! I am so thrilled and happy for you both! I remember that feeling like it was yesterday...enjoy this wonderful reunion with your sweetheart, Christie!
I am rejoicing and praising God right along with you!! I am so very happy AND grateful to you both for all of your sacrifices. You are both in my thoughts and prayers as you celebrate this precious reunion.
As I am typing I realize that you are probably in your husband's arms right now. Have a wonderful tear filled(happy ones) day. Enjoy the next few to. And hopefully one of the next few is just you and Jason all day. You need it and deserve it. I CANNOT wait to see pics and hear about the wonderful reunion.
WELCOME HOME JASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't even begin to tell you how much you've been on my mind today. I am so EXCITED for you both! And Christie dear, we won't blame you if you stay in that BEDROOM for the rest of the month. (giggle)!!
Oh Christie....I hope you have a wonderful "reunion" with your husband! I had tears in my eyes just reading your post! I am so excited for you! Thanks for bringing us along on this journey with you.
Joy cometh in the morning!
I am also excited for you!!!
Please pass along the message...
WELCOME HOME JASON!!!! And THANK YOU for all you do for our countries (states AND canada)!!!!!
You and Christie have been in so many prayers. We all love you and thank you for serving our country.
I'm a blubbering mess sitting here at 1:11am.....
reading your last blog....
then seeing the picture of you in Jason's embrace.......
I love you guys and I'm so excited for you!
I am thinking about you both today - Wednesday. I am picturing the leisurely joy of a cup of coffee together in your new home. The talk of what is ahead for you. The tour of the new neighborhood and town and all the things you can't wait to share with Jason.
Can't wait to see the pictures.
OH, have so much fun. We are all so thrilled for you both. God bless!
Welcome home Jason. Thank you for serving and fighting for our freedom. The sacifices you have made along with all your family and friends are unmeasurable. I thank you and I hope you enjoy being together.
Thank you and welcome home!
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