
I'll Be Back!

Hello all my lovely ladies! I just wanted to tell y'all that I will be taking a bit of a break from blogging over the next week. We are helping Ashley with packing, hauling off, and preparing for a yard sale all within the next week. We are getting her ready to move to their new apartment by June 1st. Then, on Friday, my friend that I haven't seen in 4 years is coming down from Ohio for the weekend with her husband! They are looking to relocate down south! So, I probably won't be around much this next week...I will catch back up with everybody when things slow back down:) Have a great weekend (and week) everyone!!!


Tracy said...

You'll be missed. Hurry back!

Trella said...

Enjoy your time helping others. I am sure being busy will help the time go fast:)

Jennifer in MS said...

See you back here soon!

Have a great weekend!

Candy said...

Will miss you too :)

We have everything packe dup here...just waiting around now for the move.

Have fun!

Lori said...

Good luck with all the packing and moving Ashley. Have a fun time with your friend.

I will miss you too.

Have a great weekend!

Karen said...

Sounds like lots of work, but lots of fun!

BTW, see my post from yesterday -- you got 2nd place in my horticulturist contest!


Kelli said...

Have a wonderful time with your family and friends! We'll miss you!!


Anonymous said...

Miss you! Hurry back! Hope all goes well!

Anonymous said...

Well we will miss you. Hmmm, you'll have some serious blog catch up to do won't you?

And ... I LOVE your wordless Wednesday pic. Hollywooooood!!!

Lulu said...

enjoy your visit with your friends..
take care,

Ruth said...

Hope things go well with the move and you have fun with your friend. See you soon!

Tammy said...

Have a good (and busy!) week! See you when you get back!

Susan P. said...

Sounds like you are going to be "one busy bee!" Enjoy the wonderful family time, even though you will be working it will make it a lot more fun!! We'll miss you! Big hugs, Susan P.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Hope you have a good week. You will be missed!

Christy said...

I will miss reading your posts! Hae a great week!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Packing!

TO BECOME said...

Have a wonderful time and you will be missed . I wanted to thank you for praying for me while I was sick this past week. I really thank you. connie from Texas

Beach Girl said...

Just want you to know you're missed and you and Jason are in my prayers.


Jennifer said...

I miss you. Come back soon please :o)
Oh, and I love you! very much.

candy said...

Just wanted to let you know I have a new blog :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet friend. Thank you for your prayers. We are doing much better, although I have to admit that the tears come when I least expect them. It's been a week today. My husband just washed the inside of his car windows where she had mucked them up on her way to the vet 10 days ago.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing you back.