


I'm posting probably for the last time for a few days, the time is 9:43 pm on Monday night, and I literally have only hours before I am reunited with the love of my life!!! We made it, this deployment is over!!! I am typing through tears as the reality is just now settling in that tomorrow morning I will be in his arms once more. It hasn't really felt real, ya know? Tonight it does. I hung my last sign at the entrance to our neighborhood, tied my welcome home balloons on our mailbox, washed our sheets, ironed them and remade the bed, ironed my outfit for tomorrow morning, drew welcome home graffiti on my car windows with white soap (it shows up great and washes off much easier than car window paint), and just now set 2 alarms to make sure I wake up in plenty of time to get ready, and take care of my last minute in-the-morning chores. Jason called around 6 tonight, they had landed at their last stop before the US of A! A small layover and they were headed back to American soil. I give thanks to the good Lord above for keeping him safe thus far, and trust that He will guide them safely home the rest of the way. I'm sorry I won't be around to your blogs for a few days, but I think y'all will understand:) I will post the homecoming pictures as soon as I can!!! Thank you all for following and praying me through this journey, you all have been such a blessing.



I finally talked to Jason this morning, and he is safely at stop #1. Thank the good Lord above! They are on schedule and so that means.......2 DAYS AND 13 HOURS TO GO!!!!!


Happy Birthday To You!

My youngest sister, you are so loved. I hope your 12th Birthday is the best yet!


Prayer Request

Jason is leaving at 5 am eastern time! There are several stops that they have to make along the way, therefore not getting back until Tuesday morning. If you don't mind, please pray for him and for safe travels. I am SO excited, but still a little on edge knowing he will be doing so much flying over the next several days. Thank you all so much, all of your response and prayer support for Jason and for me, has so touched my heart. 4 days y'all, 4 days:)


Not on my check list

Double earaches caused by fluid behind the ears causing dizziness and nausea...NOT on my checklist.But, thank goodness that since the snotty lady at my doctor's office told me I could NOT be seen until NEXT Tuesday, the Immediate Care office down the road said they could see me at 9:30. Whew! And they took military insurance, another Whew! They saved me a 4 hour wait at the ER. My local Walgreen's is working on my Rx right now, and hopefully I will be feeling better by this evening. Thank goodness that there are still some compassionate health care providers out there!

September 11, 2001

Thank you, sweetie, for fighting in the War on Terrorism. Even if you can't read this now, you will when you get home. I love you. And thank you to every man and woman who is continuing to fight to defend our nation against terrorist attacks. We will never forget what you are fighting for. 6 years ago today our nation was shaken to the core, but we did not lie down and take it, we are fighting back. Thanks and remembrance goes out to each and every service member and their families who have had someone serve, who is serving, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. God Bless America.



Eyebrows Waxed........................................Check

New Outfit for Homecoming.....................Check

House Completely Set Up..........................Check

Hair Colored.................................................Check (well, appointment made for Friday)

Pedicure........................................................Check (this is for Friday too)

Family Arrival Date Set..............................Check

Jason's Arrival Date.....................................Check (Oh, this would be next Tuesday morning!!!!!!!!!!)

I'm ready, don't ya think???



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I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend and that you have a wonderful Labor Day!

An update on Jason:

He is feeling much better. He said his neck is still pretty stiff, but he's not hurting as much. He is off of his pain meds. now and only takes a muscle relaxer when he can't get comfortable enough to sleep. Thank you all for praying for him, I have no doubt that it helped with a speedy recovery!

And, lastly, my holiday weekend overview. My friend, Mandi came in on Friday night, and stayed through until this morning. We, along with my friend Tiff (whose husband is deployed with Jason), spent the day Saturday in a small coastal town not far from here hitting up the surf shops and playing putt-putt! We finished the day by having dinner at a local restaurant where we ordered the best stromboli's that I have ever tasted!
Mandi, Me, and Tiff
She cheats, lol...
This place is a blast!Sunday, we spent the majority of the afternoon making our welcome home signs! We made one for the guys' unit, and we made each of our husband's an individual one. We hung them up on the fence before you get to the main gate on base. Today we are going to finish up by making one more each for the fronts of our houses.

Making the first sign:
After I finished Jason's sign:

Hanging on the fence!!!