

Eyebrows Waxed........................................Check

New Outfit for Homecoming.....................Check

House Completely Set Up..........................Check

Hair Colored.................................................Check (well, appointment made for Friday)

Pedicure........................................................Check (this is for Friday too)

Family Arrival Date Set..............................Check

Jason's Arrival Date.....................................Check (Oh, this would be next Tuesday morning!!!!!!!!!!)

I'm ready, don't ya think???


  1. Oh, I'm so excited for you I can hardly stand it!! So, if I feel this way, I can only imagine how you feel!! Please have somebody ready with a camera to capture the moment...I am ready to cry with happiness!! =o)

  2. NEXT MONDAY??!!!!! I have goose bumps!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!!!!!

    Will you be a blond or a brunette for his arrival? :0)

  3. I am counting the days with you! I wish I could be there with you when he arrives. You are both in my prayers.


  4. No excitement felt in THIS post, hehe!

  5. Well, I'd say so! Just one more thing to make it complete. I do believe that will be Tuesday am????

  6. Yeah!!!!!! I am so happy for you. I remember when my brothers where coming home. The anticipation!!!!! It is intense. I couldn't imagine if it was my husband. So now that your just back to blogging (which I might add I was happy to see) we can expect a post everyday next week LOL!!! I would hope to not hear from you next week. I mean that in a good way. You have some major catching up to do girl!!!! Again yeah for you. I will pray for a safe trip for him and a wonderful reunion for the two of you.

  7. I'm so excited for you both? If I waxed my brows 11 days before, they'd already need waxed again!

  8. I would say you have actually been ready since the day he left !!!
    I am so happy for you and I pray for his safe return....
    And Lord don't let the plane be late !!!

  9. I have been reading on you today. My husband was in the Air Force and I understand what you feel right now. EXCITEMENT! I'm so happy for you and I dont even know you. You put a smile on my face....hug him tight hon.

  10. OMG...I can't imagine how excited you are because I am so excited for the both of you and I have never even met you....although I really feel as tho I know you!

    Looks like you have everything in place...just need the man to get here. I am praying that the time goes quickly for you and he will be here before you know it!

  11. Christie Belle said . . .

    I'm ready, don't ya think???

    Jodi says . . .

    Check ;o)

    I'm *so* happy for you!

  12. Ready and then some! Even if you didn't have all those things done I'm sure he'd still love you just the same. Nevertheless, I bet you'll look AMAZINGLY HOT!!

  13. I cannot wait for your hubby to come home!! I remember all those feelings and anticipation!!! You sound like you are all ready!!!!

  14. I am SO excited for you! It looks like you have every detail covered. Now, you just need that man home!

    You are in my prayers. Have a wonderful reunion.

  15. How exciting!!
    I'm sure you're just counting the hours down!
    Praying for his safe travels.

    Thank you, again, for the food and fellowship. We had a lovely time!

    ~ Christina

  16. Oh. My. Goodness. It is really happening. I know you are beside yourself. You are going to be the best thing he has seen in months. That first hug is from you. The next one ... all his blogging prayer partners.

  17. oh my goodness...this sounds crazy but I got butterflies in my stomach when I read this post!! I can't imagine YOUR excitement!! I would say that YES you are ready for Jason's arrival! yippeeee...

  18. You sound so excited, that makes me excited to! Hang in there, only 8 more days. ;)

  19. Wow...it is so soon! I'm so excited for you!

    I so remember when my newlywed husband was coming home after six long months...driving to meet his ship, my heart was beating so fast! :D

    I'm so happy the day is almost here for you guys!

  20. Oh you are so ready. I won't be long now.
    How exciting for you. I am so happy for you.

    This made me cry.

  21. You are all ready, YAY!!! I am so excited for you!!! =)
