
Homecoming Day


  1. Oh my gosh!!!! I cannot believe you took time to post pics already! You shouldn't be doing that yet. We could have waited a couple days. But they are awesome pics. I was in tears watching them. That is so awesome. Have fun the next few days. The prayers helped bring him home safe and sound to you! Our Lord is awesome! Have fun and can't wait to hear about everything and see more pics.

  2. Wow, that made me so emotional. I could just see the love in those pictures. And Christie - you did look AMAZINGLY HOT!!! I bet Jason had a hard time keeping his hands off of you ;) I can't wait to here more about your day and what Jason had to say about your new home. I bet there has been non-stop chatter between you two.

  3. I'm SO happy for you both!!!! I loved the pictures! They were great and it put a lump in my throat! I can't imagine how happy you are to have him home!

  4. Christie, can I just say that I had tears of joy streaming down my face watching your hero come home. WOW!! Absolutely heartwarming . . . it gave me chills;o)

  5. Oh my word i can hardly type because my eyes are blurred with tears!
    Thank you SO much for sharing those pictures, it really pulls at all of our heart strings and its something Im sure we will never forget..the picture of you running into OUR hero's arms! I cant even express the feelings I got from watching your pictures...Im so happy Jason is home and you are with him :) and so very thankful for the men and woman that serve our countries. So - very- thankful.

    GOD BLESS you both.

  6. Precious...

    ... and here I am....
    crying again....

    I don't know how you got through yesterday!

    I love you and so EXTREMELY happy for you!

  7. Can' stop crying either :)

  8. Ok, I'm wiping tears away as I type! How truly awesome. I'm just so happy for you all. Thank you for posting the pictures already!! WELCOME HOME JASON!! I hope you both get a lot of well deserved time together!!

    I'm going to go watch the pictures again! =o)

  9. I'm crying here...I echo what everyone else already said...except to add that it sure did bring back some incredible memories!

    I am SO thrilled for both of you!

  10. Dearest Christie and Jason,
    I am so very thankful that our Lord saw fit to bring you back together once more, into each others arms, and made whole once again. I am rejoicing with you.

    Thank you so very much for taking the precious time to share you reunion with us. For everyone that has been praying these past months, it was a real treat.

    May you enjoy your time together. I know you will! ;0)

    I bet Jason is enjoying that new big screen. LOL!!!

  11. Oh my gosh Christie. I am so happy for you guys.
    That slideshow had me crying.
    That was so much fun to see the pictures from Jason's homecoming.
    So glad that he is home safe.
    Sending up prayers of thankfulness right now.
    Enjoy your time together.

  12. My goodness... I was impatient waiting for the bus to park and I wasn't even the one getting the BIG
    What an exciting day for you... and I'll guess it will take a good long week to wipe that smile off your face !!!
    Congratulations on your happy happy reunion
    I am so very happy for you both
    and once again
    THANK YOU JASON AND CHRISTIE from all America!!!

  13. Wow..now I have the waterworks going :)! I'm so VERY happy that Jason is finally home with you!!! What a wonderful slideshow you put together...thanks so much for sharing it with us!!

    And a BIG thank you to Jason for going over there and doing what you did for all of us :)!! So glad you are home safe!


  14. I can not begin to imagine what you must have been feeling. Like everyone else, it brought tears to my eyes. Praise to our awesome God for bringing Jason home.


  15. Rejoicing with y'all!
    Welcome Home!
    What precious, tear-jerking photos. ;o) I'm so thrilled for y'all!

    ~ Christina

  16. In tears here and I don't even **really** know the two of you.

    Sweet blessings, prayer and joyous moments as your dear hubby makes himself at home with his beloved, you.


  17. Wow! What a wonderful slide show. Where did you find the time to do it? You look great!
    Enjoy!! I am so happy for y'all.

  18. Okay so you had us all crying...I remember those final minutes before Mark came home. We were waiting for the plane to land after seeing it in the sky for LIKE FOREVER!! I am so glad your soldier made it home safe and sound...have a great time with your husband!!!!


    (That, my dear, is a scream!)

    That was FUN!!!!!

  20. Oh Chrisie...I am so glad that he made it back home and you are back in his arms again! Thanks for sharing the great photos and the moment with us! I also had tears in my eyes watching it.

    He is your Hero and ours as well....thanks for taking us along on your journey!

  21. Oh, I'm sitting here with tears of joy as I watched the slideshow - I'm just so, so happy for the both of you!

    Thank you, Jason, as you serve our country and thank you, Christie, as you stand by him as his helpmeet. You guys both make a sacrifice every day for this country and it's appreciated :)

    Welcome home! Rejoicing with you!

  22. Congrats, I hope you are enjoying your time together!! Those were wonderful pictures, made me cry, but they were amazing! Really showed the emotion of the reunion.

    Again, congrats, welcome home Jason and enjoy every minute!

  23. I am crying like a fool, looking at your pictures.

    SO very happy for both of you. I pray his transition in life is smooth.

    And ps, you looked beautiful!! And I know you worked real hard to make your house a home he could come home to.

    :::sigh::: this is just so precious. Thank you both for your sacrifices, for our sakes. And I am glad he is home safe.


  24. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so, so happy for you and Jason. I am so glad he is home!!!

  25. Hi Christie ..hi Jason...I'm SO happy and relieved that Jason is home and all in one piece!!! The picture of you waiting where you can see a bit of the flag is an awesome picture. I'm not an American but I think I'd make a good one! I love your anthem..it brings tears to my eyes when I hear it....I think that it's probably the patriotic spirit of your people that does me in though... I really wish that we as Canadians were even half as patriotic and proud of our country as you guys all are! I'm so proud of all those who are serving or have served in any war..it takes so much strength of character to be able to withstand such a horrible thing and I say thank you Lord that we have people that are willing to stand up and fight for their country!I pray that Jason will find peace and comfort as he's back home with you and that God will really bless Jason with His life giving, refreshing presence! Your photos were awesome...and like everyone else~ you made me cry.
    have a wonderful time unwinding together! take care.

  26. okay... I know... you're most definitely otherwise occupied!! But just wanted to pop over and say come for a speedy little visit...see what's there for ya!

  27. I just cannot imagine the range of emotions you all are feeling right now - Welcome home Jason - Thank you for all you have done and do for us! Now, stop reading your emails and get back to that man of yours! ;)

    Much love,
    Leigh Ann

  28. I FINALLY got your pictures to load! I cried all the way through the slide show.

    You just don't know how happy I am for you. I know you are enjoying him being home.
