
September 11, 2001

Thank you, sweetie, for fighting in the War on Terrorism. Even if you can't read this now, you will when you get home. I love you. And thank you to every man and woman who is continuing to fight to defend our nation against terrorist attacks. We will never forget what you are fighting for. 6 years ago today our nation was shaken to the core, but we did not lie down and take it, we are fighting back. Thanks and remembrance goes out to each and every service member and their families who have had someone serve, who is serving, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. God Bless America.


  1. I will never forget either.

    God bless your husband and all military people. I am so thankful for all that they do for our country.

  2. Yes, thank you Jason and you too Christie, for the sacrifices you've both made.

  3. Thanks for that post Christie. Having been there...I couldn't be more proud of our soldiers!!!

  4. Thank Jason from us here in Canada too!!!!

  5. A big THANK YOU from us to Jason. And to you, Christie, for standing behind him, loving him and supporting him.

    I will never forget that day and cry every year when the anniversary is here. My family and I are behind you and the rest of our military and their families 100%!

  6. I will never forget...
    Thank you Jason for serving in the Military to keep us safe..
    And thank you Christie, for the sacrifice you make in staying home and waiting for him to return to you.
    My love and prayers to BOTH OF YOU

  7. yes...a BIG Thank you...and a big Thak you to the loved ones that stay behind...and offer prayer support...and love and letters to those serving.

  8. Thank you to you and Jason!
    Praying for his safe and speedy return. ;o)

    ~ Christina
