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I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend and that you have a wonderful Labor Day!

An update on Jason:

He is feeling much better. He said his neck is still pretty stiff, but he's not hurting as much. He is off of his pain meds. now and only takes a muscle relaxer when he can't get comfortable enough to sleep. Thank you all for praying for him, I have no doubt that it helped with a speedy recovery!

And, lastly, my holiday weekend overview. My friend, Mandi came in on Friday night, and stayed through until this morning. We, along with my friend Tiff (whose husband is deployed with Jason), spent the day Saturday in a small coastal town not far from here hitting up the surf shops and playing putt-putt! We finished the day by having dinner at a local restaurant where we ordered the best stromboli's that I have ever tasted!
Mandi, Me, and Tiff
She cheats, lol...
This place is a blast!Sunday, we spent the majority of the afternoon making our welcome home signs! We made one for the guys' unit, and we made each of our husband's an individual one. We hung them up on the fence before you get to the main gate on base. Today we are going to finish up by making one more each for the fronts of our houses.

Making the first sign:
After I finished Jason's sign:

Hanging on the fence!!!


  1. Welcome home Cpl. Black box???? Too funny.
    Looks like you gals had a great time, and Yes, I definately don't think I've ever seen putt putt played that way!
    Happy Labor Day!

  2. Christie,
    you don't know me... I am Jodi's (deputy domain) mom... I also comment on your mom's blog and she comments on mine so I feel like I know you... I have been praying for Jason...and I know you are very anxious for his return... (I did not want you to think I was just some lurker hanging around and commenting on your blog)
    Have a Happy Labor Day:

  3. That is just SO exciting...to be making the welcome home signs!! Did you have to cover their names for leagal reasons since they are in the military? Just curious. Anyway...I am just so excited for you!!!

  4. Christie ~ So glad to hear Jason is doing better! Love your sign!!

    Looks like your friend Tiff was shooting pool on the putt putt green ~ lol! ;o)

  5. Sounds like a fun weekend. I love the signs you made.

    Glad Jason is feeling better!

  6. It's good to hear that Jason is feeling better. I loved the pictures of the signs! It brought tears to my eyes, to think how happy you all must be to have your guys coming home. I pray these last few days will go quickly for you:)

  7. Sounds like you had a fun weekend with your friends.

    How exciting for you to be making Welcome Home signs.

    I'm glad Jason's neck is doing better.

  8. OH how I remember those days!!! Great looking signs!!! It was freezing cold (December) when Mark left and still cold when he returned (February) so we were making signs in a heated garage. I would have prefered the nice weather it looks like you're having!!

    Have fun Christie!

  9. What a gorgeous blog you have here, Christie! I really enjoyed checking it out. Oh...my younger brother was a Marine in the Gulf War, and I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Marines. Semper fi! :)

  10. It looks like you and your friends had a great time! I'm so glad that Jason is feeling better.

    I love your signs - what a wonderful way to welcome the men home.

  11. What a nice weekend!
    What great signs. I'll be looking for it on the fence. ;o)
    We look forward to making our sign, too, when my beloved returns. ;o)

    ~ Christina

  12. Great signs! I can only imagine just how excited you are getting.

    Hopefully since Jason is feeling better this means that you guys can dance at the Ball. I was telling my husband how amazing it would be to attend that Ball - very cool!! All those men in uniforms - oo la la!!!

  13. I've been busy all weekend, and I'm just catching up. I'm so glad that you have friends where you are!

    It looks like you're having a good time "waiting". And I love the dress that you've chosen for the ball.

  14. what a cute picture of you three gals! it looks like you had a great time :o)

    cute signs... lol, your mom said CPL. Black Box!

    It's getting so close! It's hard to believe it's been 6+ months that he's been gone! It seems like yesterday he was away for training during my wedding ~ wow! I'm so glad he's returning soon :o)

    Love you and miss you!

  15. My close friend's son returns about the same time as Jason. He called her at work yesterday and I got to listen in on their conversation...so cool! She is starting to plan for the big day! He was injured a couple of months ago and is now doing well. Can't wait to get these boys home!

    Love, love, love the signs!

  16. Hi Christie..glad to hear that Jason's okay!! You must have been SOO worried..ya i guess you said that...anyway the countdown is on and before you know it he'll be here and you guys will be at the ball! The dress looks really elegant...I expect to see pictures of you in it on Jason's arm!! lol....
    why the black boxes over the guys names on the signs??
    take care!

  17. It looks like you had a fun Labor Day, Christie! I love the welcome home signs and I'm glad to hear Jason is feeling a little better!

  18. I love your signs. I remember making them for my Dad when he would be coming home from deployments. I'm a Navy brat.

    Looks like you all had a great time. I love putt putt golf. But then, who doesn't?
