
Not on my check list

Double earaches caused by fluid behind the ears causing dizziness and nausea...NOT on my checklist.But, thank goodness that since the snotty lady at my doctor's office told me I could NOT be seen until NEXT Tuesday, the Immediate Care office down the road said they could see me at 9:30. Whew! And they took military insurance, another Whew! They saved me a 4 hour wait at the ER. My local Walgreen's is working on my Rx right now, and hopefully I will be feeling better by this evening. Thank goodness that there are still some compassionate health care providers out there!


  1. What....your doctors office couldn't see you for a week??!!

    Glad you got seen and will be feeling better by the time Jason gets back!!

  2. Oh no!!! Good thing you found a place that could get you in. Hope you are back to feeling healthy again really, really soon.

  3. Ah gee that's not a pleasant thing you're experiencing. Lifting you in prayer, dear lady, that your recovery would be quick and that you'd be well and wonderful when your dear hubby arrives home. <><

  4. That's the military for ya! I hope you get to feelin better soon. Love you!

  5. "Whew!" is right!

    I'm so sorry you are feeling sick :o( I hope you are feeling 100% better by tomorrow.

    I miss you and hope besides your ears that you are doing great! I love you and want to see you really soon! (but of course that will be at least a month after Jason returns ~~ wink!wink!)

  6. Oh.My.Goodness. I hope you feel better soon! I can't believe your doctor's office couldn't/wouldn't see you for so long. :(

  7. That doesn't sound right. How can a doctors office not see someone sooner than that. Good thing for acute care clinics. Hope the medicine kicks it in to high gear. There is no illness aloud when seeing hubby! Hope you are feeling better before he gets home.

  8. Bless your heart! I pray the meds work fast!

  9. I still can't believe they wouldn't work you in. What do they expect people to do when they're sick?

  10. Aw... if you need anything, let me know. Praying for you.

    ~ Christina

  11. I hope the meds to the trick and you are feeling perky in no time. So excited for you that Jason will be home very soon. Please thank him for serving us...and thank you for your sacrifice as well. Sounds like you are pretty well ready for his return...enjoy!!!!! Also, I enjoyed your home tour...you have a lovely place! I'm certain you are so excited to have your hubby home to make it complete.

  12. Oh Christie, I'm so sorry you've gotten sick!! May you heal quickly and be back at 100% before you know it.

  13. I'm so glad you were able to get it right away.. I've had to deal with similar situations before too..ugh! I will pray that you are feeling better soon!

  14. Just think of Jason and his home coming and that will push you to feel better in spite of the ear infection...Praying for your quick recovery

  15. Oh...that's awful that they wouldn't see you! A double ear infection needs to be seen!
    So glad God paved a way for you anyway...
    I'll be praying that you feel absolutely wonderful by next Monday!

  16. Hey Christie,
    Found your blog through your mom's. So sorry that you're not feeling well - pray that you'll recover quickly!


  17. Praying for you right now. I hope you feel better soon. Thank God you found a place to get in and checked on. God bless you and feel better soon!

  18. man...that's tough... I'm glad it's working out for you! woohoo....down to six days!!!!

  19. I'm sorry have an ear infection.
    I can't believe they couldn't get you in. That is frustrating.
    Hope you are feeling better by the time Jason comes home.
