
Just Feel Like Rambling

I honestly can't believe that Christmas is over. We still celebrate the season until after New Year's, but I just feel like it flew. More so than any other year ever. We did have a wonderful Christmas. My sweetie got me a veeeery nice professional grade Nikon camera (pictures coming soon!), and a beautiful estate-looking ring. We enjoyed wonderful food and special time with family. We also just got back from visiting some family in Georgia yesterday. We took off the day after Christmas. It was a fun trip, but it was super quick and a little strained that close to Christmas. We're back at Dad and Mom's for the week, and then leaving to go home and pack, pack, pack...move, move, move on Saturday. Jason has a leave "window" now. It's mid-January. I was so hoping for February, but no such luck. We will be out of our house by the 13th and done with inspection so we can enjoy the last little bit of time we have together. My dear friend Tiffany is opening her home to us, so that we can do this without spending a small fortune on a hotel room. We will, of course, get one the last night or two. I feel a bit overwhelmed at this point. There is so much to do, and I'm dreading going home because I know it will just be one step closer to Jason leaving again. The sleeplessness has already kicked in, the worry, the stress. Why couldn't Christmas last a bit longer....




The Hustle and Bustle

Mon: 9 am Hair Appt.
Finish Laundry and Pack for Maryland
Tue: 6 am - be on base to get orders for Maryland training trip
9 am - pick up rental car for trip
10ish - Drive, drive, drive
Wed, Thurs, Fri: Jason has training in Maryland
Fri: 10 am - Make our way back home
Sat: Celebrate Jason's and my friend, Tiffany's birthdays, going to Mike's Farm for yummy country style dining and a Christmas hayride

One week to be home and relax!

Fri, Dec. 19: Head home to be with our family for Christmas!

I love Christmas time, but man it gets busy!


From Our Family to Yours!


My New Ride

We got a Ford Edge to replace our totaled Jeep. It's a used, 1 owner 2007 model. Complete with the front to back sunroof and the touch screen navigation. Yep, I like it.


Happy Birthday Austin!

To a handsome little boy who has lit up our family's world even more. We love you so much and hope you have a very happy 4th birthday. I can't even believe my little nephew is 4 today. He's grown up in the blink of an eye. A very real reminder not to ever take even one second for granted! Enjoy your day sweetie:)


Goodbye My Trusty Jeep

My Jeep was a good vehicle. It protected me in a wreck that could have been much worse in a different (smaller) vehicle. Tuesday afternoon I was heading to Michael's craft store when I wasn't even off of our road yet. It was drizzly, and I saw it coming. There was no place I could go, no time to move out of the way. The lady driving a Toyota Tundra had looked down and was not paying attention to the car stopped and waiting to turn in front of her. She was speeding. She slammed into that car, rear-ending him and pushing him up the road, and apparently jerked her wheel in my direction, then slamming into me. Hard. She spun me 180 degrees and pushed me up into the middle of someone's yard. I was shaking, in shock, bawling, but alive! I couldn't get out because of the door being crunched in. It pushed my seat up and over, and another inch would have pinned my legs. I somehow climbed across and out the passenger side. I was taken by ambulance for neck and back pain where I was checked out and x-rayed and realeased with muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories for severe strains. Jason just so happened to be at his "field op" this week, but was able to come to the scene, but was made to return (that's the Marines for ya!). So, my wonderful family once again pulled together, and my Momma and Grandma hit the asphalt headed to take care of me. They got here around 1:00 am and stayed with me until this morning since Jason's field op is over today. They were heaven sent! They cooked, cleaned, rubbed my back, toted me around to get everything done that follows a wreck, and just took wonderful care of me. What a blessing they are, and I hope they know how much that means to me. How much they mean to me. How much my whole family means to me. I can't imagine a better family. I love them all so much. Well, I think it goes without saying, that the Jeep was totaled. The axle and frame were bent beyond repair. We still have so much to do, but we did have gap insurance, so that will cover the remainder of what we owe after we get the settlement from the other party's insurance. Thank the good Lord. But, with all that said, I walked away from this nice and sore, with just some bruises. After this, I don't think I will ever be able to drive a small car. The Jeep protected me from a more serious injury, that I am sure of. RIP my dear jeep. You served me well;o)

Pictures from the junk yard


Got Tagged

So, I'm doing this little survey at the request of my youngest sis. These are always fun little things to do.

1. Who are your favorite authors?
God, Nicholas Sparks, Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker

2. What is your favorite movie?
The Notebook, Top Gun, Fireproof, most all Christmas movies.

3. If you could live any where in the world where would it be?

4. What is your least favorite food(s)?

5. What is your least favorite movie?
Superbad...it was the foulest, dumbest movie I have EVER seen...and I didn't even sit through it all, I couldn't!

6. Who is your favorite actress or actor?
Kirk Cameron, Rachel McAdams, Sandra Bullock, Queen Latifah, Steve Martin

7. What do you do when your bored?
Read, Scrapbook, Knit, Watch TV, Nap, Bake, Shop, Clean...too much to do to be bored!

8. What is your favorite color?
Pink and Blue

9. Least favorite color?
I don't think I have a least favorite. I LOVE color.

10. Who are you going to tag?
Anybody who wants to do this:)


My Uncle Skip

I still can't believe it. We sometimes forget that we are not in control of what happens in this life. God is. And it was Skip's time to go be with our Heavenly Father AND his earthly father (who was second in line to greet Skip once he met our Savior, I have no doubt). God called him home before we planned. But, we have to remember that God's timing is not always ours. And God's timing and plan is perfect. Ours isn't.
To lose somebody is tragic, to lose them unexpectedly...unexplainable. This is what my family endured this past week. The loss of my Uncle Skip was unexpected. 44 years old. So young by today's standards. He was a good man, he loved God, he knew God. He was human. He made mistakes. He wasn't perfect. But, he knew God. And that's all that we are required. Believe. And he did.
He was rough around the edges. A man of few words at times. A country boy who loved motorcycles (Harleys to be exact) and guitars, loud music, big dogs, football...Panthers football, and kids. He had a soft spot for kids. A gentle giant. He may not have had a lot of money, but he was always thinking of fun gifts for his great nephew Austin, and Alaina. He was like that when Ashley and I were younger too. He loved his family, and though he wasn't fluent in emotions, he always let us know one way or the other. And when you were fortunate enough to recieve one of his hugs, you remembered them. I will forever remember the embrace in the hospital room once my grandaddy had passed away. It was strong and full of emotion. An uncle who had just lost his dad and best friend, holding his neice who had just lost the only grandfather she had left. I can't wait for our next hug, for that one will be a joyful, "I'm so happy to see you" hug. I sometimes just daydream about the glorious reunion in Heaven, with the ones we love so much that have gone on before us.
I am so grateful that God has given me such a close, close family. Without that, I know we couldn't have pulled through. A close family rallies around when tragedy strikes, and we had family coming from far and wide. The love I experienced during this blur of a week is the main thing that I can recall from it all. Our family has experienced a great deal of loss in less than two years. I've never had so many deaths hit so close to home. It's a terrifying and sobering event. But I can't imagine how much more terrifying it would be and is for those who don't know the Lord. I will see my loved ones again. And that is the only thing that brings me peace in knowing that I can't see them again on earth. I will see them in Heaven.
What a joyful reunion that will be.
Skip...we will miss you everyday, and forever carry you in our hearts.


A Bunch of Unrelated Thoughts

1. Jason finally sold his truck! It's such a relief. Now I don't have to worry with it for a year while he's gone.

2. I'm doing laundry today. It's my least favorite chore. No, no, dusting is. Wait, mopping, that's my least favorite. Nooo..toilets, scrubbing toilets..that's DEFINITELY it.

3. We're going to Mike's Farm on Friday. They have a country style dining restaurant that is so very yummy, then we are going on their spook trail hayride and picking out a punkin. I think it's fun to be a little scared;o) Hence the reason, I too, watch Ghost Hunters (Ash & Jenn).

4. I'm getting a new phone. It's one of those high techie things. It has a whole keyboard that slides out. Texting just got so much easier.

5. There are only 65 days left until Christmas! Where has this year gone? If only next year will go by as quickly!

6. My friend, Jessica, is coming down in 16 days. I haven't seen her in a year and 8 months. It will be a much needed reunion.

7. Jason has a "field op" coming up. He will be "in the field" for 4 days and nights. I sometimes hate military terms. Just say...you'll be camping in the woods for 4 days.

8. I'm totally stoked about our visit to Pine Ridge Church, on Jenn's invitation. Jason and I haven't been this pumped up about church in a long time, as we've had a lot of trouble finding a "fit" with moving around quite a bit.

9. Speaking of Jenn, I finally got to see her after 10 months when we went home and visited Pine Ridge last weekend. It was emotional. Boy, I missed her.

10. The military life doesn't always allow us to see our family and friends as much as I'd like. Military life is good, but it does have it's flaws.

11. I want to see snow. And not just on TV this year.

12. I talked to Austin on the phone the other day. He told me "miss you". Didn't just make my day, made my week.

13. It's lunch time. I know, because my stomach just growled like a stray dog cornered in a restaurant dumpster.

14. Since I now realize it's lunch time, this is my last random thought. I can never remember how to spell restaurant. I realize this is the third time I've used that word in this post, and each time, I have to refer back to spell it right.


I'm Done

...with all my Christmas shopping!!! Yep, that's right, it's all done and it's only October 15th. This is the earliest I have EVER finished shopping for Christmas, and I intend to thoroughly enjoy every minute of the upcoming season since Jason will be gone next Christmas. This also means that I will start putting up some of my Christmas decorations in November, before Thanksgiving. I don't usually do that, because it tends to overshadow the Thanksgiving holiday, but we are headed home for Thanksgiving and it will be nice to have it all put up when we return. All of it but the tree, that is. We'll be bringing our live tree from the mountains back with us after Thanksgiving, as it's our family tradition to go cut our own trees from the lots up in the beautiful mountains. We'll put that up and decorate it the day we get back. There's nothing like the smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree. Oh, and in all my Christmas shopping glory, I found the most heavenly scent for the Christmas season. It's called Silver Bells by Yankee Candle. It smells like an evergreen, but something in it makes it smell just a little different from every other evergreen candle I've smelled. It will live in my house a little closer to time.
Only 71 days 'til Christmas!!!


It's That Time of the Season

It's the fair! Pretty lights, kids running around, the yummy smells of food you can only get at the fair, the overpriced games, the fast, spinning rides. We're headed there tonight. I love the fair in the fall.


Star Struck Part 2

A couple of weeks ago, the USO, and the CW hosted a concert for the troops and their families here in our town. I'm a big fan of One Tree Hill, and that's who was here. Several of the cast were here, and several preformed. It was so exciting! I have been watching that show since it came on, and it's now in season 6. Come to find out, Hillarie Burton (from the show) has been doing alot of volunteer stuff for the troops with the USO. I like her even more now:)

Bethany Joy Galeotti (from One Tree Hill) singing:
Me and Jason, I look pretty stoked!
Hillarie Burton:
Kate Voegele (who also guest stars on the show as Mia):
Sophia Bush & Hillarie Burton:
Angels & Airwaves (not a huge fan, but still pretty cool):

The whole night was completely free, it really makes me happy when people do extra stuff for our heroes and their families. Oh, and then the next day, my honey took me to see the places that they film One Tree Hill, since they film out of Wilmington, and that's just a hop, skip and jump away. That was totally neat too, now I just have to go back during filming season, so I can maybe meet some of them;o)


Cookie Baking Day

So, the time rolled around to make some more chocolate chip cookies. But this time was different. This time, I had the best little helper ever. He's a short little fella with blonde hair and the cutest little dimples I've ever seen. Yep, it was my beautiful nephew, Austin. He and his mommy came for a wonderfully enjoyable week long visit last week. Cookie baking was definately more fun with my extra little set of hands.
Our yummy batter:
Cleaning the mixer paddle for me:Can I have some more?
Got the milk...check!
Time to chow down!

Yummy! That was fun and tasty!


Star Struck

So, the past couple of weeks have been full of celebrities for me down here in good ole NC. Today I'm just gonna focus on the one I met yesterday. Nicholas Sparks. He is my faaaavorite author. His books have inspired the movies Message In A Bottle, A Walk To Remember, The Notebook (my favorite), and the newest one, Nights In Rodanthe (which I saw last night and loved...of course). Nicholas Sparks is native to Eastern NC, and was doing a book signing in our area for his new book, The Lucky One. Now, you may think I'm crazy for standing in a 5 hour line, but to me, it was well worth it!
Smiling for the camera:

Picture with ME:)

Signing my book:

He even personalized it:

Yeah, yesterday was a pretty awesome day.


Happy Birthday to my littlest sissy, who isn't so little anymore! I can't believe that today you become a teenager! Jason and I love you so much, and I am so proud of the young lady you have become. Enjoy your day, sweetheart!



On his birthday

We miss you and love you so much.


Feeling A Bit Under The Weather

Chicken Broth & Vitamin C...check

Lots of Fluids...check

A nice calming autumn scent...check

A sick day activity...check
I see a nap in my near future...


Fall Decorations are UP!

Welcome Autumn!

My pretty punkin flag waving in the breeze:

Sweet little grapevine punkin:

Yummy smells of fall!

Cute fall leaf tealight holders:

Fall/Halloween theme candy for the candy dish:
TV Stand DecorationPunkins EVERYWHERE!
More Punkins and Leaves
A new fall hand towel for the kitchen
Yay for fall decoartions!

Now, hopefully Tropical Storm/Hurricane Hanna doesn't come blow all my pretty decorations away. We're praying for a mild storm with no damage, and that the other storms will disappear!


We're Gettin' Closer

Yep, we officially have only 20 days until Fall is here. I'm already feeling the cool in the air in the evenings. Even down at the coast. I'm loving it. Tomorrow is a day for decorating. If I can find all my punkins, leaves, fall smelling candles, and wreaths. Maybe I'll put my sweet hubby on that tonight. Pictures to come...


I Did It!

I finished my first project with my new sewing machine:) I made Christmas pillows for our couches! After a successful trip to Hancock*Fabrics, I came home with two pillow forms (feather, because they are sooo much comfier), that were on sale for 40% off, aaaaand some cozy fleece for my next project: a soft, oversized winter robe in gray and pink. The fleece was 30% off to boot. Round the trip off with some new bobbins and thread (both 50% off!), and I was a happy gal. I immediately came home to stuff and sew up these cute little pillows. They are sooo soft and they have pictures of the sweetest little penguins playing in the snow. And to make it even better, there are little log cabins and Christmas trees on them too. Can you tell I'm ready for the holidays? You should be able to see the pattern better in the 2nd picture. I think I did ok for my first time:)


Happy Anniversary!

To my Ashley, and her husband, Matt! We love you guys so much, and hope you have a terrific anniversary weekend:) Like Mom said, we are so proud of the couple and the parents you have become!


I'm So Ready...

Temperatures nearing 100 degrees today, doesn't cut it for me. I don't like extreme heat, makes me nauseated. I'm tired of the heat. I'm a cool/cold weather type of gal. Here's some things I LOVE about fall:
~Blue Jeans
~Hoodie Sweatshirts
~Jackets and sometimes coats
~The smell of cold crisp air
~The colors of autumn
~Punkins (as we so fondly call them here in the south)
~Picking out the perfect punkin at the patch
~Warm, homemade, seasonal food (think punkin pies!)
~Hot chocolate from Starbuck's
~Family time by the wood burning fireplace at Daddy & Momma's
~Campfires with S'mores
~Leaf Piles
~Smells of cider and cinnamon
~Yankee Candle's Autumn collection
Ok, well, I could go on and on, but I'll stop here. We have 47 days until the first day of fall. September 22, it's on a Monday.
I'm so ready.

An award

My sweet sister, Alaina nominated me for this award. Thank you, hon!

Once an award is received,the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
.2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.

As my policy in the past hasn't changed, if you visit here, or I've commented your page before, consider your self elected for this award:)

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


So True

What is a MILITARY Wife?
They may look different, and each is wonderfully unique. But this they have in common...
Lots of moving---Moving Moving Moving---far from home. Moving two cars, three kids and one dog---all riding with HER of course. Moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house. Moving curtains that won't fit. Moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours. Moving away from friends, moving toward new friends. Moving her most important luggage; her trunkful of memories. Often waiting---Waiting Waiting Waiting---for housing; waiting for orders; waiting for deployment; waiting for reunion; waiting for phones calls; waiting for the new curtains to arrive; waiting for him to come home for dinner---AGAIN!
They call her 'military dependent', but she knows better. She can balance a checkbook, handle the yard work, fix a noisy toilet. She can file the taxes, sell a house, buy a car, or set up a move, and all with ONE Power of Attorney. She Reinvents her career with every PCS; locates a house in the desert, the arctic, or the deep south and learns to call them all 'home'. She MAKES them all home. She is fiercely IN-dependent.
Military Wives are somewhat hasty. They leap into decorating, leadership, volunteering, career alternatives, churches and friendships. They don't have 15 years to get to know people. Their roots are short but flexible. They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after them. Military Wives quickly learn to value each other. They connect over coffee, rely on the spouse-network and accept offers of friendship and favors and record addresses in pencil.
Military wives have a common bond. The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands. His commitment is unique. He doesn't have a job, he has a 'mission'. He can't just decide to quit, he's on-call for his country 24/7, but for you, he's the most unreliable guy in town! His language is foreign...TDY, PCS, OPR, ACC, BDU. And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his. She is the long-distance link to keep them informed, the glue that holds them together.
Military Wife has her moments----she wants to wring his neck, dye his uniform pink, and refuse to move to Siberia. But, she pulls herself together. Give her a few days, a travel brochure, a long hot bath, a pledge to the flag, and a wedding picture. And she goes. She packs. She moves. She follows. Why? What for? How come? You may think it is because she has lost her mind. But actually, it is because she has lost her heart. It was stolen from her by a man who puts duty first, who longs to deploy, who salutes the flag, and whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her military husband, she will remain his military wife.
**This was sent to me in an email by one of my bestest friends, who is also a military wife, author unknown**


A Special Anniversary

Established July 21, 1979
Celebrating 29 years July 21, 2008
Happy 29th Anniversary Daddy and Momma! We are so proud to call you our parents. You have shown us girls what we want our marriages to be, and provided us a sense of security our whole lives in the love that you have shown each other as husband and wife. Enjoy your special day, and know that we are so happy that this year you are celebrating TWENTY NINE years of marriage.



My long time friend, Laura, and her family are finally moving to NC! They currently live in Ohio and have been trying to get down south for about 2 years now, and it's finally happening! They will be here for good within 3 weeks. I'm so excited. She has 2 little girls who fondly call me Aunt Crispy;o) The news made my day!