
Star Struck

So, the past couple of weeks have been full of celebrities for me down here in good ole NC. Today I'm just gonna focus on the one I met yesterday. Nicholas Sparks. He is my faaaavorite author. His books have inspired the movies Message In A Bottle, A Walk To Remember, The Notebook (my favorite), and the newest one, Nights In Rodanthe (which I saw last night and loved...of course). Nicholas Sparks is native to Eastern NC, and was doing a book signing in our area for his new book, The Lucky One. Now, you may think I'm crazy for standing in a 5 hour line, but to me, it was well worth it!
Smiling for the camera:

Picture with ME:)

Signing my book:

He even personalized it:

Yeah, yesterday was a pretty awesome day.


  1. I can't believe little man stood with you that long!!! lol!
    That is a great picture of you both! Very exciting!
    Love you,

  2. Ok, I'm jealous.

    Not only do you have the coolest of cool "feathered bowl 'do" - but you got to MEET SPARKS! What a fun day!!

    Love you! :o)
