
My Uncle Skip

I still can't believe it. We sometimes forget that we are not in control of what happens in this life. God is. And it was Skip's time to go be with our Heavenly Father AND his earthly father (who was second in line to greet Skip once he met our Savior, I have no doubt). God called him home before we planned. But, we have to remember that God's timing is not always ours. And God's timing and plan is perfect. Ours isn't.
To lose somebody is tragic, to lose them unexpectedly...unexplainable. This is what my family endured this past week. The loss of my Uncle Skip was unexpected. 44 years old. So young by today's standards. He was a good man, he loved God, he knew God. He was human. He made mistakes. He wasn't perfect. But, he knew God. And that's all that we are required. Believe. And he did.
He was rough around the edges. A man of few words at times. A country boy who loved motorcycles (Harleys to be exact) and guitars, loud music, big dogs, football...Panthers football, and kids. He had a soft spot for kids. A gentle giant. He may not have had a lot of money, but he was always thinking of fun gifts for his great nephew Austin, and Alaina. He was like that when Ashley and I were younger too. He loved his family, and though he wasn't fluent in emotions, he always let us know one way or the other. And when you were fortunate enough to recieve one of his hugs, you remembered them. I will forever remember the embrace in the hospital room once my grandaddy had passed away. It was strong and full of emotion. An uncle who had just lost his dad and best friend, holding his neice who had just lost the only grandfather she had left. I can't wait for our next hug, for that one will be a joyful, "I'm so happy to see you" hug. I sometimes just daydream about the glorious reunion in Heaven, with the ones we love so much that have gone on before us.
I am so grateful that God has given me such a close, close family. Without that, I know we couldn't have pulled through. A close family rallies around when tragedy strikes, and we had family coming from far and wide. The love I experienced during this blur of a week is the main thing that I can recall from it all. Our family has experienced a great deal of loss in less than two years. I've never had so many deaths hit so close to home. It's a terrifying and sobering event. But I can't imagine how much more terrifying it would be and is for those who don't know the Lord. I will see my loved ones again. And that is the only thing that brings me peace in knowing that I can't see them again on earth. I will see them in Heaven.
What a joyful reunion that will be.
Skip...we will miss you everyday, and forever carry you in our hearts.


  1. Beautifully written, honey. Just beautiful......

  2. So touching... I would even bet he's riding a Harley on golden streets right now too :o)

  3. Hi Christie,
    I tagged you for a Quiz on my blog.
