
Just Feel Like Rambling

I honestly can't believe that Christmas is over. We still celebrate the season until after New Year's, but I just feel like it flew. More so than any other year ever. We did have a wonderful Christmas. My sweetie got me a veeeery nice professional grade Nikon camera (pictures coming soon!), and a beautiful estate-looking ring. We enjoyed wonderful food and special time with family. We also just got back from visiting some family in Georgia yesterday. We took off the day after Christmas. It was a fun trip, but it was super quick and a little strained that close to Christmas. We're back at Dad and Mom's for the week, and then leaving to go home and pack, pack, pack...move, move, move on Saturday. Jason has a leave "window" now. It's mid-January. I was so hoping for February, but no such luck. We will be out of our house by the 13th and done with inspection so we can enjoy the last little bit of time we have together. My dear friend Tiffany is opening her home to us, so that we can do this without spending a small fortune on a hotel room. We will, of course, get one the last night or two. I feel a bit overwhelmed at this point. There is so much to do, and I'm dreading going home because I know it will just be one step closer to Jason leaving again. The sleeplessness has already kicked in, the worry, the stress. Why couldn't Christmas last a bit longer....


  1. I know you are dreading this one, and nothing I could say will make it better, but just know that your family loves you and is going to be with you every step of the way. Oh, and a pretty cute little puppy :) Just keep thinking about the transformation we are going to make in those 13 months.. focus on the good things..

    I love you,
    see you soon.


  2. Now it starts, doesn't it? Cherish these next few weeks, honey.
    Love and hugs,

  3. I love you and I'm praying for you. Give Jason a "boobie hug" for me :o) LOL (am I allowed to say "boobie" on here?? well, I did. I said it twice.)

