
Goodbye My Trusty Jeep

My Jeep was a good vehicle. It protected me in a wreck that could have been much worse in a different (smaller) vehicle. Tuesday afternoon I was heading to Michael's craft store when I wasn't even off of our road yet. It was drizzly, and I saw it coming. There was no place I could go, no time to move out of the way. The lady driving a Toyota Tundra had looked down and was not paying attention to the car stopped and waiting to turn in front of her. She was speeding. She slammed into that car, rear-ending him and pushing him up the road, and apparently jerked her wheel in my direction, then slamming into me. Hard. She spun me 180 degrees and pushed me up into the middle of someone's yard. I was shaking, in shock, bawling, but alive! I couldn't get out because of the door being crunched in. It pushed my seat up and over, and another inch would have pinned my legs. I somehow climbed across and out the passenger side. I was taken by ambulance for neck and back pain where I was checked out and x-rayed and realeased with muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories for severe strains. Jason just so happened to be at his "field op" this week, but was able to come to the scene, but was made to return (that's the Marines for ya!). So, my wonderful family once again pulled together, and my Momma and Grandma hit the asphalt headed to take care of me. They got here around 1:00 am and stayed with me until this morning since Jason's field op is over today. They were heaven sent! They cooked, cleaned, rubbed my back, toted me around to get everything done that follows a wreck, and just took wonderful care of me. What a blessing they are, and I hope they know how much that means to me. How much they mean to me. How much my whole family means to me. I can't imagine a better family. I love them all so much. Well, I think it goes without saying, that the Jeep was totaled. The axle and frame were bent beyond repair. We still have so much to do, but we did have gap insurance, so that will cover the remainder of what we owe after we get the settlement from the other party's insurance. Thank the good Lord. But, with all that said, I walked away from this nice and sore, with just some bruises. After this, I don't think I will ever be able to drive a small car. The Jeep protected me from a more serious injury, that I am sure of. RIP my dear jeep. You served me well;o)

Pictures from the junk yard


  1. My. These pictures don't do it justice. It was much worse in person.
    I'm so grateful you're ok. We love you, and thank our Lord for His protection.

  2. Thank the Lord that it wasn't worse than what it was. I am so sorry that it even happened. It is wonderful that your mom and gramma came to care for you and help you. It is nice to be taken care of and spoiled by parents and grandparents after you get married. It is just something about mom's arms that are so comforting. Hopefully you will be able to get another good jeep. You will be in my prayers to keep feeling better every day. I hope you don't have residual back and neck problems due to this. We have snow and high winds here and I haven't driven my van in this weather yet so it was a little nerve racking this morning on the way home from work. I just went slower and took my time. It was a good thing I wasn't really tired. Anyways get better soon and sorry bout the jeep. At least they are replaceable.

  3. Thank GOd you are ok.
    The Lord was looking out for you. Nice that your mom and grandma could come help you.
    You can replace a car, but not the
    Mrs. Jennifer

  4. My goodness Christie.
    I am so glad that you are ok.
    I pray that you will heal quickly and feel better soon.
    So glad you mom and grandma could come and take care of you.
    Yes, God was certainly looking out for you.
