
I've got it...I thought I was in the clear, but I guess I wasn't. Jason is better, he was feeling better Sunday, so hopefully mine will be as fast moving, like his was. Man, this stinks...what's the point of a flu shot if I still got the flu?


  1. It only protects against certain strains of the flu, not ALL. So sorry that you're under the weather. I pray that it passes soon!

  2. Hey Christie, just poppin' in to say "hi". It's been a while. So sorry to hear you're under the weather. I hope it doesn't last long. Your place looks great! I like the re-decorating you've done:)

  3. awww you poor little thing!
    feel better soon!

  4. That's the very reason I never get the flu shot. The year I did get it I was sicker than a dog. I hope your feeling better soon!! Being sick is one thing this household has been a lot of this winter. YUCK!!

  5. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  6. Make sure you take good care of yourself....hopefully it will be short-lived!

  7. You poor thing! I hope you get to feeling better quickly!!!

    I have only taken the flu shot once when I was pregnant with Luke the year they were hard to come by. Britt took it for the first time last year and about month later came down with something that sent him straight to bed so sick. And he RARELY gets sick. So, we both decided this year we wouldn't get the shot. I've heard such mixed reviews about it anyway. I watched a news thing about taking extra vitamin D (like about 2000 mgs) and that test studies showed it helped prevent flu and several cancers. So, I've had us on it for a while. It didn't prevent me from catching a cold this week, but I really let myself get over stressed and over tired after flying to Disney World (way too much stress for me!). Hopefully, we'll steer clear of the flu, but so many around us this past week in Orlando were coughing and sick. I wasn't surprised we caught something!

    Anyway, I pray for a speedy recovery for you! Hopefully Jason is well enough to help care for you? ((hugs))

  8. Sorry you are feeling poorly. I hope you are able to relax and recover...hope you have a swift recovery!!

  9. Get plenty of rest, drink fluids and I hope you feel better soon! I'm so sorry you got it, too.

  10. It isn't fun dealing with sickness I have experience that first hand this week and I think I have at least another week to go. Not me personally. My 16mos daughter has been very sick. An ambulance ride, emergency room visit, and doctor visit has showed pneumonia, RSV and monday nite started with a febrile seizure. I think I would rather have your flu. I will pray that you get better, and ask that you pray for Kaylee to get better to if you don't mind. You'll have to check out my blog for all the details.

  11. sorry about my link to my blog somehow I started another blog try this one.

  12. I love your new blog look!!!
    as for the flu shot...my dear in my opinion the flu shot is what gives you the flu!!!
    I never take it... and every year my husband takes the flu shot...he gets the flu...
    I hope you get over it very soon... it is so not fun being sick...
    I hope your getting lots of lovin care from Jason...
