
No fun

I'm so dazed right now. It's Friday night and we spent the better part of last night in the ER with Jason. He has a nasty case of the flu, so bad last night that he was willing to go wait in the dreaded ER waiting room. He's feeling a little better tonight, but still achy, feverish, and coughing up a lung. He had the new "flu nasal spray" vaccination instead of the shot, which is supposed to be more effecient, unless you are Jason and don't inhale it and let it drip back out. I'm hoping that's how he got the flu and that my flu shot will protect me from it. Waiting's the hard part, lol, not knowing if I'm gonna wake up with it. I ran all my errands today while he was sleeping, so we have groceries and our rent is already paid if I do get sick. He slept most of the day, so now he's now wide awake, and I'm trying to stay awake to keep him company...wonder how long I'll hold out...


  1. oh that stinks!

    Feel better soon Jason!

    Girl... I would be staying REALLY for away from him. Rich knows that if he's sick, I can just as easily love him from a distance :oD

  2. So sorry to hear how sick Jason is feeling! Here's to a quick recovery and NO spreading it!!

  3. so sorry to hear that Jason is "under the weather"... this flu is a real
    doozy this year...I pray that you don't get it...

  4. I'm praying for a good confession on your lips trusting that God's best for you is to stay healthy.

    Sickness is NO fun.

    Give Jason loads of TLC and keep trusting for healthy days :o)

  5. Bless you heart! I hope Jason feels better soon. I'll keep you both in my prayers. The flu is no fun.

  6. Poor Jason!!

    I hope you stay healthy!! Being sick is NOOOO fun!!

  7. Poor Jason....hope he is feeling better! I hope you stay healthy too!

    The flu is just starting to go around here but me and both kids had the shot so hopefully we are spared!
