
A quick update

Ahhhhhhhh...finally feeling better. Thank goodness this flu strand was a short lived one, and not the week-to-two week one. I did all the laundry, all the blankets, sheets, towels, and pillow cases that were contaminated and Ly*sol'ed the whole house...door knobs, light switches, sink and toilet fixtures, couches, remotes, keyboards...lol. And since it's a sunny, breezy 70 degrees here at the beach, we got a cross draft going by opening the front windows and the back sliding door, and hopefully aired out any remaining germies! My throat is still a little scratchy and I can tell I'm still not back 100%, but it beats the last several days for sure. My lower back hurt so bad at one point, I thought I might possibly break right in half. Thank goodness for Tylenol, it kept my fever right at 100 or below the whole time. When I get much higher than 100, I've always gotten delusional and I start hearing things. Ever since I was a kid...no fun. Anyways, Jason is back to normal and outside working on his truck with a friend. His friend's wife (who is my friend:)) is coming over after she gets off of work for me to trim her hair and then they are having dinner with us. Chicken casserole...Mmmmmm. So, I'm off to take some pictures of my honey and his "work in progress". I'll post some a little later;o) Oh, and thank you to all who were praying for my speedy recovery...it worked!


  1. Today where I live it is 0 degrees and 23 mph winds, so it feels like -25! Want to come and visit??

  2. Heard from you momma that you were a sick little girl! I'm thankful Jason took good care of you and that you are on the mend again.

    Your blog looks like spring and made me smile as I'm longing for springtime even though it is months away here in Michigan. Enjoy your awesome weather for those of us who are heading into yet another snow storm this weekend.

  3. I am glad you are feeling better. I will still pray for you to get 100%. You are so lucky that you got to air out your house. I don't have that luxury right now. For as Kari said above it is 0 degrees and extremely winding. It would be nice to air it out though. Have a good nite. Oh and thanks for the prayers for Kaylee. She is better yet today too. She still has the cough, which she needs to still cough to get the pneumonia out. So far no temp for the last 2 days yahhhh. I will keep you posted.

  4. Oh, I'm SO glad that you're feeling better. Those 70 degree breezes don't hurt either! Send some my way. We had breezes today but they were more of the 50 degree variety - a little chilly.

    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  5. YAY! so glad you are feeling better and you were able to get over it realitively quickly. It seems like everybody here in Burlington is sick these days... some people at church have been sick for going on 2 weeks. Insane.

    Hope to see you soon! I miss you!

  6. Glad to hear you are on the mend. There is so much sickness going around right now!! Take care!

  7. I am so jealous of your warmer weather. It is FREEZING here. Literally.

  8. So glad to hear you're feeling better! We've missed you out here in bloggy land! (smiles!) Blessings on your day!
