
The death of a vacuum

Wouldn't ya know it, our vacuum died the day we brought the huge, live Christmas tree into the house, covering the floor in a gazillion pine needles! We cleaned the hoses, tubes, and the little wheel thingies on the bottom where the sucker-uppers are, replaced the bag, everything possible to save our $39.88 Wal*Mart bought vacuum. It got us through the first 2 1/2 years of our marriage...not a very long life for a vacuum. But it was just 39.88. Soooo...off to the PX (Post Exchange) on base to get a new, trustier vacuum. A little pricier, but still a good deal on base...no tax either;o)

The old, dead vacuum:

The new one with cool bells and whistles:
This one is bagless (hip hip hooray), has a hush mode, a power boost button, is self propelled, and has cool attachments for stairs, ceiling fans and corners. Okay, so I'm excited over a vacuum, but one must have a dependable vacuum when you live at the beach and your front yard is sand;o)


  1. Sorry to hear your vacuum died. Good excuse to get a new one.

  2. I LOVE new cleaning supplies! They just make you want to clean, don't they?!

    Although, for me, that newness wears off pretty quickly.

    We have an oreck xl which was a hand-me-down from my PawPaw. It's gotta bag, but we don't change it often. I love it. It sucks EVERYTHING up! :o) Including Rich's memory cards to his camera. Don't ask me how I know this.

    Hope you enjoy your bells and whistles on your new vacuum!

  3. Sucker-uppers???? Love your eloquent description. ;0)
    That's a neat-o vac. I'm sure it will get plenty of use. By Jason. (just kidding).
    Hope you can sleep tonight with that oh-so-fun cough!

  4. Hooray for you! Mine keeps pitchin' fits, but won't die. It was a Walmart special. I sure won't go that route next time!

  5. Pretty cool vacum! I'm sure you'll have fun with that for a while. Feel better soon! God bless!

  6. I hope you gave your trusty old vacuum a good funeral before you brought that new hussy of a vacuum into the house....
    of course it does look pretty cool and maybe a tad more dependable than your old wal-mart one... but then he was your first true vacuum so you have to honor and respect him for that...
    enjoy the new one... and don't over feed it on Christmas tree needles.:0)
    have a wonderful day tomorrow

  7. You know you are officially "grown up" when you get excited about a vacuum. I completely understand though, mine has been broken for a few months now. I have to borrow my mom's every time I need to vacuum (and that's often with a toddler in the house). It's a good thing my mom lives next door! A new vacuum is at the top of my Christmas wish list. Enjoy your new one.

  8. We just got a new vacuum too, and I was so thrilled. I do not even dread the job of cleaning anymore. Well, not too much anyway.

  9. I loved your technical description of your old vacuum!! I'm excited for you for your new vacuum. I've been wanting a bagless one and wouldn't be overly sad if my old one dies sometime soon! =o) Happy cleaning.

  10. My sister has a bagless one and LOVES it!

    Mine has lost a lot of it's power...I really should be shopping for one too but hate shopping for a vacuum.

  11. love all the "terms" you used. too funny!

    i enjoy new vacuums as well. we find ourselves having to buy a new one almost every 1 1/2 years. with 2 dogs and daycare we vacuum every single, day. i think the vacuum is trying to tell us something.

  12. Love your new vac!! Self-propelled, power boosted and hushed - cool! I think most new vacuums on the market today have a short life-span ... or we're just really hard on vacuums ... or I just keep such an amazingly clean home that I plum wear that baby out - *NOT*! ;o)
