
Christmas Tree Hunters

As our family does every year, we headed to the mountains the Friday after Thanksgiving in the search of the perfect Christmas tree. It was a chilly 35 degrees and we even got a few flurries while we were hunting. Sadly, Ashley and Austin couldn't join this year as they came down with the icky cold that is now engulfing our whole family. It took Austin out first, then Alaina, Ashley, Momma, Matt and now me. Blah. BUT, we found the perfect Christmas tree despite colds, ear aches, hacking coughs, and runny noses. Daddy and Alaina picked theirs out, Jason and I agreed on ours, and Matt trudged up to the top of the tree lot and found one for his family.

Hunting our tree (look close, you might see the flurries!):

Momma, Daddy, and Alaina before Mom headed back to the car:

Jason wiggling our measuring pole to have our tree cut down:

We got an 8 footer this year;o) We've got it up and decorated, and put the finishing touches on the house decorations last night. I will post pictures after my family has come down and seen it on December 7th.

Now...a few cute pictures of our Thanksgiving afternoon fun!

Austin didn't like the leaves until his Dad and Uncle Jason jumped in:

Then it was all smiles:

Jason and Matt doing front hand springs into the leaf pile (still kids at heart):


  1. I love seeing all of the pictures of your family. I hope that my children stay as close as you all have to your parents when they are grown.

  2. What a great family. You all look like you have so much fun together.

    Nice music over here too! Michael Buble -- aaah.:)

  3. Your pictures are wonderful!!! It just looks like so much fun even if it was cold. Too, bad about the rotten colds. Praying that healing is on the way!

    I love the picture of the three "men" in the leaves. It's worthy of a frame.

  4. Awesome pictures!

    Can't wait to go pick out our tree and get it decorated - hopefully this weekend! Don't ya just love that fresh pine smell?

  5. LOVE the picture of the BOYS in the leaves! That's FUN STUFF there!!

  6. Wow...that picture of you and your hubby is adorable, Christie...and I loved the Thanksgiving leaves shots!

    The bold bugs going around your family doesn't sound fun and hope you are all over it quickly!

    (And your blog is just so festive!) :D

  7. have you *any* idea how very blessed you are with such a close and loving family? i mean that so very sincerely.

    btw, you were radiant in your gown for the Marine Ball. wow!

  8. I love the picuture of you and Jason...you both look so happy and IN LOVE!

  9. Those are some great pictures! Sounds like you have a wonderful family. Sorry about the colds. Just got over one myself. It ain't fun. I'll be praying for quick healing for all of you. God bless!

  10. Those are some great pictures!! I am glad you have your tree up and decorated. I don't have a clue when we will get to ours. I hope everybody is over the cold quickly!!

  11. Oh what fun picking out a tree with your whole family... you all looked like you were enjoying yourselves so much... I can hardly wait to see them all decorated!!!

  12. Awww, cutting down the Christmas tree is a great holidays tradition!! Great pictures!!

    And how beautiful do you look at the Marine Ball?!?!? It looked like a blast!

  13. What a great family tradition! I grew up with an artificial tree - which we brushed off and reflocked with fake snow every year! None the less - I treasure my family's holiday traditions as well! But that does look like fun! Can't wait to see pictures of it decorated!

  14. It was fun, but oh so cold!! Can't wait to see what you've done when we get there. I'm sure it's beautiful.
    Love ya,

  15. What a neat family tradition...to go tree hunting.
    Loved those pictures.
    The ones of the big boys in the leaves are too cute. Kids at heart.

  16. Don't they know they could break their necks? Or put an eye out or something?

    Do I sound like a mama?????

  17. It was fun going to the mountains!

  18. You have been blessed with such a precious family, Christie! Can I just say that you and Jason are the cutest couple ever;o)
