
Another busy weekend

Today, here in a short while, will begin another hectic weekend. I have to go by and pay rent, complain yet again to them about our neighbors who refuse to turn their music down late at night (I don't like to be a nark, but you can only take so much of your walls rattling b/c of their surround sound and music...up until midnight some nights!), make a bank run, take a friend to a doctor's appointment, then she and I are going shopping so I can finish Jason's Christmas (after this, I am completely done Christmas shopping...YAY!), then home to pack for a quick turn around trip. We are supposed to leave tomorrow to head home for the night, in order to make it to Jason's step-sister's wedding on Sunday at 2:00pm, their wedding is about an hour from my family's house, so it's much easier to spend the night instead of trying to make the turn around trip in a day. I'm not liking the time for this since we have to be back for Jason to go to work Monday bright and early, but what can you do? We'll go to the ceremony, make a brief appearance at the reception, but then we have to get back on the road. I'm trying to persuade my sissy to let me bring my precious nephew back for the week since they will be down on Friday. Hopefully she'll say yes;o)
We would try to head home this evening, but we are trying to limit the stay to one night since I am allergic to my family's new addition, Jazz. I couldn't get in to see the dr. until Monday about some kind of allergy medicine or shot or whatever, so I can survive one night with my trusty inhaler. I love cats, but around the age of 13/14, I developed allergies to them. I had them growing up and it stinks that now they make me wheezey, sneezy, and itchy. Especially now that they have such a sweetie pie of a kitty. I've heard that they have shots for it, and I'm definately not scared of shots...so what's one more?
I still have this whooping cough that keeps me (and Jason) up half the night. He is so patient, he never complains and absolutely won't let me sleep in the guest room even though I've offered so he can at least sleep peacefully. It's not bronchitis though, so that's good...I just have to wait it out...ugh:( Well, time to get some breakfast and jump in the shower to start my day. I hope you all have a blessed weekend and I will try to get around to visit tonight/tomorrow morning before we leave.


  1. Wow...that's one busy weekend!

    I hope your sister lets you bring your nephew home with you....I used to do that when my nieces and nephews were younger too....so much fun!

    Hope you are feeling better....colds stink, expecially this time of the year when things are so busy and hectic!

  2. have fun at the wedding...even though it will be a quick trip!

    i hope you feel better by then. coughing is no fun when you are trying to sleep!

  3. I hope that you feel better soon, and that being with Jazz doesn't make things worse. Have a great time at the wedding!

  4. Oh, sounds like you actually need to rest and relax, but you're so busy! That's too bad that you have those pesky kitty cat allergies!
    Hope your weekend goes well, and you can sneak some relaxation into your coming week! :)

  5. Christie,
    have a wonderfully busy weekend... isn't it just so much fun being busy and hectic... knowing that you can snuggle down beside your sweet husband at night...knowing he is safe at home with you!!!
    enjoy the wedding and be safe on the roads....
    {{Hugs}} I hope you get over that Cough soon.....

  6. It sounds like you're in for an exhausting weekend, but hopefully a fun one.

    I hope you're feeling better soon. It's no fun to be sick around the holidays.

  7. Yikes! You are busy this weekend, aren't you? I hope you have fun during your busyiness and enjoy each other's company with the drive!!

  8. Have a wonderful time at the wedding! Enjoy your family, and I hope you conquer your cough ... soon! You and Jason just look *so cute* together in your Christmas Tree excursion photos. :o) And I loved the photos of him and Matt flipping over Thanksgiving. ;oD

  9. Oh Christie, I can empathize with you about the annoying neighbor. When we were first married we lived in an apartment and we had a very, very CRANKY neighbor that lived upstairs. Everytime we would so much as breath she would take her broom and pound on the floor at us! UGH:o) That is so sad you are allergic to cats now, especially since you love them so much. You Mom's new kitty is just adorable, isn't she? Have fun visiting and I hope you don't sneeze, wheeze, itch, and twitch too much:o)

  10. Have a wonderful weekend! I wish that I could have my nephews over to spend the night. That is so sweet of you! Praying you through the allergy/ asthma mess! I know how you feel! When I developed asthma in my 1st pregnancy, my pulmanologist (not sure if I spelled that right aka-lung doc.) made Hugh give our cat Pebbles away before he'd release me from the hospital. (Sniff!!) She was our baby, before we had babies. We adopted her from a place called angels for animals -club med for abandoned strays. I still miss her, but she has a great home now on a farm, w/ a dog, who is her best friend. One of the nurses who works the night shift- offered to take her for us. so, at least I know it all turned out well, and she has a loving home! Anyway- have a great weekend w/ your family!

  11. hope you had a great short trip home, and the wedding was a happy time for everyone :o)

    between jazz and GQ, I think the cats are taking over (heehee!)

    Love you and miss you!

  12. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Those coughs can be so annoying.
    Hope you had a fun weekned and a fun time at the wedding.

  13. Whew...you have a busy weekend planned! Have fun visiting and at the wedding. And, I hope your cough gets better. Prayers for a safe trip.

  14. Hi sweetie, I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I am sending my love to you and am lifting you and your family up in prayer right now. Take care. Much love, Susan P.

  15. I'm so sorry to learn of your grandfather's passing. Please know I'm lifting you and your family up in prayer during this bittersweet time...bitter because he's no longer with you on earth. sweet because he's with the Father in glory and one day you'll be with him again. <><

    Blessings and hugs,

  16. just popped in to say HI Christie! how's your Christmas prep coming along? How are you feeling these days? Hope you're both doing well...I'm so glad your hubby is back...does he have to go back or do you know? I sure hope not!
    Well you all take care down there!

  17. Hello sweetie. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am to hear of the loss of your grandpa. My family and I are all praying for you and your family at this very sad time. I'm so happy to know, though, that he was saved and is now with Jesus.

    Take care of yourself, your sisters, your Mom and your grandma. I'm sending HUGE hugs to all of you from us here in Georgia.
