
For those of you that read my mom's blog, you know the happenings of the last week. For those of you who don't, my dear grandaddy passed away last Wednesday afternoon after a long fight with heart disease. He had a personal relationship with God and we know where he is now. As much as we all miss him so much and are grieving, we are also so happy that he is no longer hurting and now is in perfect health and in the arms of our Lord and Savior. I won't re-tell everything because most of you read my momma's blog, if you would like to read it, you can go here. The ceremony was Saturday, and was a beautiful celebration of his life.
1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT) says: "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure."
This verse has run through my head many times since last Monday when we first found out Grandaddy was slipping away. He IS faithful and will not give us more than we can handle. He loves us and will get us through. Our family has been under fire, so to say. After the ceremony on Saturday, Jason had to take me to the ER. This cough that keeps hanging on advanced to the point to where I could no longer get more than a short, strained breath. Being asthmatic and diabetic, they took me back pretty quickly. After a 6 hour visit, a CT scan on my chest to rule out blood clots in my lungs (who knew this was even a possiblity!?), X-rays, blood work, a breathing treatment and an IV, I was released with the diagnosis that it was a nasty case of bronchitis, verging on pneumonia. We headed home on Sunday to be able to get me back close to my doctor if needed. My antibiotic has caused me sleep deprivation and extreme dry mouth. I am running on about 6-7 hours of sleep in the past 78 hours. I'm going back to the doctor this afternoon. My cough is loosening, but my whole chest and back are aching, and every cough attack feels like a million tiny knives are stabbing into the middle of my chest. Thank the Lord that Jason was able to get leave until Thursday so we were able to travel home, so he is home taking wonderful care of me. Again...God doesn't give us more than we can handle.
Several of our family members are still sick with coughs and colds too, I'm not the only one. My mom being one of them. I stand amazed at my momma's and my grandmother's strength through all of this. Yes, it's been hard with lots of tears, but both of them are such examples of strength and Godliness. I admire them both more than they will ever know. Ending on this note, I am taking some time until after the holidays and probably won't be around here too much. I want to thank you for all of your prayers and words of comfort at my mom's blog and those that have already sent sweet comments to me. I hope you are all enjoying your Christmas season. Love in Christ.


  1. Christie,
    I am keeping all your family (including you, you mom, grandmother, sister, and all extended family) in prayer...
    yes you do need to take time to get well and be with your family during this time of loss...
    so I will see you when you are back again... but remember I do not forget you when you are not blogging...you are still on my mind..
    Merry Christmas and
    Be Encouraged


  2. Christie, you, your Mama and the rest of your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I can't help but think how good it is that Jason is home at this time, not only because of your grandpa but also to care for you while you are so sick. Gentle hugs and prayers, Susan P.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather.
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I just lost my grandpa too..so I know it is tough to go through.
    It is a consolation to know that they are in a better place - heaven.

  4. Ah ((Sweetie)), hoping and praying that you are feeling better soon. Your family is much on my heart. Praying the Lord will bring you healing, comfort and peace. Gentle Christmas Wishes to you and Jason.

  5. I'm hoping that all the medicines the dr. gave you today will do its job. Praying for your healing, and that you can rest. Love you and miss you.

  6. Oh honey, I am so sorry for your loss. You are right, he is with Jesus now.

    I'm praying that you are feeling better and get yourself on top of this nasty infection or whatever.

    Much love to you. Have a blessed Christmas with your sweetheart!

  7. You are all in my prayers, Christie. And I do pray that you feel well soon. Rest. Nothing is as important as your health.

  8. I am so very sorry for the death of your grandfather. I pray that you are able to get the medical treatment you need before the holidays...

  9. Christie I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family in this time of grieving, and so close to the holidays. But just think of the beautiful x-mas your grandaddy is having with the lord and looking down on all of you and keeping you all safe.

    My prayers are with you to get healthy too. You have had this a long time. And the fact that you haven't slept much is not good. I hope you start to get better real soon. I will anticipate your return healthy and happy. See you when you get back.

  10. You and your whole family have my sympathy. Even though you know he's in heaven it's still hard to not miss him. I still have hard times about losing my Grandpa. I'm so thankful for all the wonderful memories that I have of him. I'm sure you have many that you can look back on too.

    You have got to get well soon!!! This is not how we wanted to spend December is it? Thanks to your encouragement I have one more gift to purchase for Christmas and then I'm done and I'll start in on making some goodies. Hopefully you've been able to snuggle up and watch some good Holiday movies and listen to some Christmas songs. Is Jason any good at baking goodies??! :)

    Take care my friend and get better soon!!!! *** Merry Christmas ****

  11. So sorry to hear about your grandfather!

    Hoping you are feeling better and your meds start working soon....you have been through so much lately.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Know that you and your family have been constantly on my heart and in my prayers. I didn't know you were sick and I will start praying for your swift recovery. I know your mom isn't well, either, and I've already been praying for her.

    Take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest. We're praying for you here in Atlanta.

  13. I am so sorry for the loss of your Granddaddy, but I know that YOU knowing where he is and that you will see him again is comforting to you. I will pray, also, for your brochitis to GO AWAY!! Take time for yourself and rest, rest, and rest.

  14. Christie,
    I'm so sorry that you and your family are experiencing this sorrow at this time! I pray that the Lord's comfort will surround you and your family through this. God Bless you! - Tiffany

  15. Although it was such a sad day on Saturday, it was wonderful to see you and Jason together again.

    You both mean so much to me and Rich.

    I hate that you've been sick. I haven't been reading blogs much this week, so I wasn't aware of your crazy ER trip until today when I talked to Ash.

    You poor little thing! I'm so glad you went to the ER that night and didn't wait until you got home.

    You know that you all are in our prayers. Watching a grandparent suffer with illness is so hard to bare. The separation will be tough, but we all know our God is tougher, and He gets us through it all.

    I love you!


  16. Wanted to stop by and wish you guys a Merry Christmas!!!
    Hope you are feeling better.

  17. Dear Christie,
    I am so sorry about your grandfather...I did read it on your mom's blog and I can tell how much he will be missed.
    But hoping your family still feels God's love and blessings this Christmas...
    Merry Christmas!

  18. Just stopping by to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. I will continue to keep you in my prayers, I'm very sorry to hear about your Grandpa. ((((hugs)))

  19. Ruth suggested that I stop by your blog. My husband is an associate pastor of music at our church. I'm new to blogging. I have another photo devotional page at


    Please stop by either page any time! I need some blogging buddies!
