

I got a phone call at 4:40 this morning. It was Jason. I have been on edge since yesterday afternoon, after not getting a phone call or an email (you see, when the phones are down, he can usually still get out an email from work). By last night and still no email by 1 a.m., I was feeling a bit panicked. The phone call early this morning started: "I'm ok, but..." Never what you want to hear. Jason has been doing martial arts training (they do this in the marines to train them for hand to hand combat), and yesterday during an exercise, they thought he broke his neck. It popped 3 times, and he could barely move it without a large amount of pain. He was taken to the hospital out there by military ambulance on a flatboard in a neck brace and headblocks. Thank our good Lord above, that after x-rays, they ruled it a bad strain with no fractures. They are letting him do guard duty in the tent (it's a big circus looking tent that his unit is staying in), and they have him on muscle relaxers and Vicodin if the pain gets too much. I figured they would let him have the day off, but I guess not over there. He's not one to take medicine very often, but he will when he is hurting. We are so close to the end, I'm getting very nervous about any type of injury. We've made it so far. It could've been worse, I know, but I just have a helpless feeling because he is thousands and thousands of miles away, and there is nothing I can do. It's completely out of my hands. I know this is where I have to turn it over to our most loving, and caring God, but by nature, I am a worrier. It's my downfall, and the sin that I battle with more than anything.
On the brighter side, we went to a post-deployment brief for the spouses of deployed marines in our unit. AND, I now know the flight "window" for Jason's company and unit. He will be departing Iraq between September 16 and the 19th. After travel time, he should be here several days after. Not as soon as I'd hoped, but the 1st of September is tomorrow. So, approximately 3 weeks, and my heart will be whole again! Thank you all so much for your continued prayers, it really has meant so much to both of us.


  1. I got up this morning and Mom told me what happened. I am praying for him. I know you are worried, but he is fine, and thank the good Lord, it wasn't worse. He has been there every step of the way protecting Jason. God is good. 3 weeks baby... that is so exciting!
    I love and miss you...


  2. ((Christie)) ~ Praying for your Jason. So glad to hear it wasn't as bad as supposed at first.

    I just wanted to tell you that I think all of the emotions you are feeling right now are very natural. Your fears will probably only intensify. I know mine did when each one of JR's oversea assignments were coming to an end.

    The only way I knew to handle it was to pray through the fearful times, and I had some "go to" verses to repeat over and over when the emotions would get bad.

    You're on an emotional seesaw right now. Relish your joyful *high* moments, but do not feel guilty for the low times. It's part of the package.

    I am praying for your hubby's safety and for the Lord to hold and comfort you through this final stretch. Hugs to you, sweetie.

  3. I will keep Jason in my prayers. How scary that must have been for you! I am praying for you, as well. Take care of yourself and keep us updated.

  4. This post brought tears to my ears.
    So glad that he is ok.
    I'm so glad it is down to 3 weeks. How exciting!!!
    But I am sure that 3 weeks will seem to take a long time.

    You both are in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Oh Wow!! I'm SO glad he is OK! I can only imagine what your heart feels when you don't hear from him. I'm sorry for the fright! I'm still praying and I hope the next few weeks breeze by! ((hugs))

  6. Oh my how scary! But God is good. Jason is on his way, Christie. Three weeks is nothing after all you have been through. We'll keep praying him all the way home. Soon ...

  7. We will continue to pray for angels to encamp around Jason. Praise God the injury was not any worse. May his healing be quick and complete!
    God bless you both as you wait through this last stage. You are in HIS hands.

  8. You must be getting excited to have him come home...I can't even imagine!

    So glad that his injury wasn't any worse but still hard for you to be this far away from him when he is in pain.

  9. Phew! Thank God his neck was just strained. Christie, I'd imagine this will be the longest 3 weeks...but it's down to WEEKS! Keep busy and keep praying!! I'll keep praying, too!!

  10. I know that three weeks can feel like three years, especially when you are at home alone... the nights are long and the days are lonely... But I pray for you each night as it begins to darken and you are checking all the door for the third and fourth time...
    God is taking care of Jason... because this injury could very well have kept him from an assignment that would have been fatal for him...
    God is good all the time... and all the time God is Good !!

  11. Ah! My heart leaped into my throat while reading your post. I can only imagine how you felt at 4 this morning!

    I'm so glad the he's ok... and yay for the 3 weeks. That's so great! I know you are beside youself with excitement to have him home.

    << I guess the 'bedroom basket' might have to be tamed down if he's a litte injured! >>

    Please tell him we are praying for him and that me and Rich send a big HEY THERE and a hug!

    By the way... I'm so jealous of your ball gown with POCKETS! The person who designed that dress needs a Noble Peace Prize or something! oh, and of course you are going to look amazing in that dress! BEAUTIFUL!

    Love you and miss you so much!!

  12. Rejoicing that you heard from him and that he is not hurt even worse. I know all about MCMAP (the martial arts training). My beloved has done all of that, too.
    Praying for you and for him.
    I know you are excited beyond words for him to come home! ;o)

    ~ Christina

  13. I'm holding you close to my hardt and in prayer for both of you, Christie. Bless you sweetly. <><

  14. Christie, I'm so glad that Jason is ok! I can't imagine how scared you must have been. Sending prayers and hugs!

  15. Please know I'll pray for Jason and for you in these coming weeks!
    I can totally imagine how hearing something like this might make you feel.

    I think Jodi said things so very well...I remember some of the same anxieties over my new husband on deployment...praying through them- handing them over to the Lord was the only way. I can relate to your worrying...I'm that way by nature, too!
    But I am praying for his safe return and for your peace of mind!

  16. Hang on.....not too much longer. We all are looking so forward to his return for you. Both of you are in my prayers. God is so good!


  17. I know how you feel when you don't get a phone call or e-mail. I have the same thing...fear. Just like you. But anyways...I'm so happy to hear that Jason will be ok and that your heart will be full again soon. I think it's wonderful that you have such a strong Christian walk, and you kept trusting God. God bless you!
