

I am in, I am unpacked, I am EXHAUSTED! If you read my mom's post, we got in even with us all being sickly and my dad feeling awful (thank you to all who were praying for him). Dan was our last saving grace by Friday evening. He helped us get everything from storage here and unloaded. Ashley and Austin came down Sunday after Daddy, Momma, and Alaina went home to get Dad to feeling better. They stayed with me until yesterday, and last night I finally unpacked the last box, and hung up the last curtain. Last night was my first night alone, and it was loooooong. I heard every bump, scratch, and of course it had to thunderstorm. But I made it through and feel much better today. Of course, it's not dark out yet, so we'll see...

The yard men are here today, trimming our horendous yard. Maybe the bugs will clear out a little...yes, BUGS! And lots of 'em. I sprayed the whole perimeter of our townhouse, and doors and windows today. After I saw my 4th black widow spider (all outside thankfully), I had to do something. Daddy killed the first one on the front door, then today I found one in the garage, and 2 underneath our sliding glass door in the back. EWWWWWWW! I hate bugs, especially spiders, and especially, ESPECIALLY poisonous ones!

So, moving along...it's picture time:)

Welcome to our home!

Our living room:

The door on the left is the bathroom, the door on the right is our storage closet:

The kitchen:

Our Guestroom:

Guest Bath:

Our Computer/Craft Room:

Our Bedroom:

Our Bathroom:

So, that's most of the house, the more interesting parts anyways, the washer and dryer are in the garage, and I didn't figure that was a super exciting photo opp. The downstairs half bath is really cute too, it's done in an Outhouse theme, I just forgot to take a picture of it. I hope you enjoyed the tour as much as I am enjoying it all being DONE!

I will be around to visit this evening and tomorrow hopefully:)


  1. Yay!!!! I really like the curtains in the guest room (our room)! I knew it wouldn't take you long to make it home!
    Looks great, sweetie!
    Love you,

  2. Christie,
    Your new home is so lovely! I love every room. Jason will be so thrilled to come home and have everything all set up. And you'll be glad to spend your time with him, not unpacking!

    We have the "always kiss me goodnight" sign in our bedroom, too!

  3. Could it be any cuter? Now it only need one thing! Soon honey, soon!
    Love and prayers still being sent your way :)

  4. I love, love seeing all the photos of your new home. Every room is so nice.
    The kitchen curtains your made look so nice.

    Glad you are getting settled in.
    Now just to get your husband home.

  5. It is adorable. I especially love the table. The red looks so good!

  6. I am so thrilled you are all moved in! And I have to say, your place already looks completely adorable! How did you do that so fast? I usually have boxes for a month!
    I love how you've decorated it!

    I hope those spiders stay far, far away! Spiders are the worst for me, too...and yes, especially poisonous ones!
    And it's harder when you don't have a husband nearby for those special de-spidering needs!
    I remember when I was in VA and hubby had just went out on deployment...and I found a bunch of giant crickets in my little livingroom! Not sure how I got rid of them, but somehow I did!


  7. Christie, your home is so, so cute! I love the red in the kitchen:) It just makes me think back to setting up house for the first time and how much fun it was. You've created a lovely home for your honey:)

  8. How exciting! Your house looks great! Jason is going to be so excited to to come home to all of it!

  9. Ohhhhh....it looks so good! I'm amazed at how settled you appear already! What a wonderful job you have done making a beautiful, cozy retreat for Jason to come home to! I'll be praying for these next weeks!

  10. Sorry Christy,
    The last post is from me, not Kate. She has her own private blog now and she forgot to sign out.

  11. Ooh, it looks so lovely! I'm glad you have gotten settled in pretty well.
    Thank you for your prayers for us. We appreciate them so much. I have been thinking of and praying for you. I'm sure you're excited to see you sweetie soon!
    I haven't heard from my husband, yet, but I know it takes a few days to travel.
    I'd love to tell you about the campground and the cafe. I was thinking... if you still have my number, I'd love for you to give me a call. Or you can email me. Maybe we can get together one of these days. ;o)

    ~ Christina

  12. Christie it all looks so lovely. Homey and warm and inviting and boy ... Jason will feel like he never left when he comes home to see you and your new home. What a great feeling for him.


  13. You really made it look comfy cozy. Think of all the memories that will be made in your new home. I loved the sign above your bed - very cool.

  14. Christie,

    Your new home is so sweet and cozy! I can't believe you got all of that decorating done in such a short period of time. Jason is a lucky man to be coming home to you and that beautiful place.

    As for the spiders - ick. I hate bugs, too. And I especially hate it when I'm the only one here to kill them. I hope your spray got rid of them.

    Now, get some rest!

  15. Looks great!! You got alot done!! I hope you have a great time showing all of this to Jason when he gets home!! The countdown continues!!!

  16. your new home is decorated so beautifully. Looks like a wonderful place for your hubby to come home to!

  17. Hey Christie!! It looks so good! You've really made it homey and comfy looking. Your bed looks so soft and inviting...hmmm must be tired..lol...I really like your livingroom furniture too it's a great style. I'm amazed at how fast you got everything unpacked!! I just unpacked the last box about a month ago and we've lived here for a year!! But I give myself the excuse that I have 4 kids...like that's a good excuse?! NOT!! oh well...anyway your home is lovely.. very inviting. Congrats on a job well done! Take care!

  18. So happy to hear you are all moved in and unpacked! What a great feeling, huh :)! Thanks for sharing your pictures. The place looks great :)!!

    Have a great day!


  19. So glad you are all moved in. I know about bugs all too well. Everytime I get them under control, the builder brings in more dirt and more sod on my street, so I have to start over.

    I got an alarm system for when hubby isn't home, or lives early in the morning and it is still very dark outside.

    Your home looks very lovely, and I know it must be exciting.


  20. It's beautiful!!! So cozy and welcoming and shiny and perfect!! What a wonderful homecoming your husband will have, very soon!!! =)

  21. Hi, Christie!
    I'm stopping over from Ginger's! I love your kitchen. It is so cool! It's nice to "meet" you!

  22. Oh I love it! I know it is a great relief to have everything in it's place now... all you need it Jason in his right place... in your arms <3

    (I'm feeling sappy right now... :o) haha!)

    Love you!

  23. What a gorgeous beautiful home you have made yourself and your hubby!

  24. WOW!!!What a shock when I clicked on your blog! You never know what you'll get when you come back! LOL. It's very pretty, and I think you're getting a bit antsy for Fall??????

  25. Wow! I can't believe that you just moved it! You have made everything beautiful and cozy!! Jason will LOVE it!!
    I really like the fall look of your blog...so pretty!
    P.s. I feel the same way about bugs..eww! Hope the spray works quickly!

  26. I love your new blog look!
    I love autumn!

    You asked about when my husband will be home... We are looking at January, Lord willing. ;o)

    I hope to hear from you soon. I'd love to get together.

    Enjoy your week ~

  27. Your new place looks so much like a HOME already. You have a great touch. I also love the look of your blog!!

    Do you have the actual date of Jason's homecoming yet?

  28. LOVE it!!! Everything is super cute and fun! LOVED seeing these pics :)

  29. Christie ~ Everything looks so warm and cozy! You've obviously worked hard at it. What a precious home for your sweetie to come home to! (...though I well imagine a shack with you in it would be just fine with him!) :o)

  30. You have done such a wonderful job setting up your new place. Everything looks great! :)

    Mrs. C
