
It's time, It's time!

http://www.GlitterMaker.com/ - Glitter Graphics

The time has come. It's moving day. We have a busy, yet exciting weekend ahead of us. I cannot believe its already time to move. Many of you asked me if I was excited. I'm ecstatic! But, I am also a tad bit nervous. I get nervous very easily, hoping everything will go smoothly, and hoping and praying everyone in our family can stay well and that it will be a good trip. Nerves always get me, and when nerves set in, I don't feel like eating, my nerves always make my stomach knot up, I eat enough to stay nurished, that's about it, lol. After helping with all the lifting and setting up of the electronics and appliances, Daddy and Alaina plan on having a beach day either Saturday or Sunday to get a little R&R while me and mom decorate, grocery shop, and make a few stops at our favorite quaint little coastal shops. We are pulling out at 5 am!!! We have to stop at the realtor's to get the key, and then it's off to unload load #1, then to the storage unit to empty it out (this will probably take a few trips). I have the cable/internet company coming out between 1 and 3 (don't you just love the 2 hour time window?), and then Dan, a friend of mine and Jason's, is coming over after work to help my dad get the heavy stuff up the stairs. Dan used to do the same job as Jason in the military, but switched jobs, and therefore, did not deploy at the same time. He will actually be with the group going out next. My dad, mom, and Alaina plan on staying through until Monday. Ashley will be coming down Sunday for almost 2 weeks, and my friend Mandi is coming in for the 3 day weekend for Labor Day. I think they will all do a great job at keeping me company:) So, hopefully I will be back early next week with moving day and progress pictures! Until then...hope you all have a blessed weekend, and stay cool!


  1. have a wonderful trip!

    I miss you already :o(

    I know it's been stinky that Jason's been gone, but it's been great seeing you so much again. Rich and I will definitely have to come down for a weekend visit :o)

    Love you bunches girl!

  2. Good luck with the move, Christie! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see photos of your new place:)

  3. Have a wonderful trip, and a sweet "last" time with your family. I know it will be hard to say good-bye when they leave to come back home.

  4. I am very excited for you Christie!

    Candy :)

  5. Praying for a safe trip and God's blessings as you make the move.

  6. Good luck with the move. I am sure everything will go smoothly!!!

  7. I am so excited for you.

    The nervousness will go away quicker that you think. I think anybody would be a little nervous in your situation. It's so good that you have such wonderful family members to help you and stay with you too.

    I can't wait to see pictures!

  8. Christie ~ I've not been zipping around the world of blogs too much lately and have not commented, but you and your sweet husband are on my heart and in my prayers. I saw your load of stuff on your mom's blog - Whew, girl! Y'all are going to have a *busy* weekend. :o)

    I know it will be such a thrill for you to get settled back in your own home! [I lived with my folks when JR was assigned to Alaska for a remote tour during our 2nd year of marriage. I love my parents, but boy did it feel good to get back in my own home, and, of course, to have my hubby back with me! :o)] I know those last few weeks can go the slowest. Praying you will have peace and serenity as you wait the final days out.

    Hugs to you, sweetie. Enjoy getting your cozy nest ready for your husband's return ~ what a precious time that will be.

  9. I hope your trip and all the moving goes great!!! I know how you feel with the nerves; I am exactly the same way. But you've got your family with you, so everything will be just fine. I am so happy for you!! The time you will have shopping and decorating with your mom sounds so wonderful, too =)

  10. Good luck with your move.
    It's so nice to have many helping hands and bodies with the move.
    Moving is tons of work.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. I'm so happy for you! I'm praying that you have a wonderful, safe trip and you get everything done in a timely manner.

    Take good care of yourself and have fun with your company until your sweet hubby comes home!

  12. Happy moving!! I will pray it all goes smoothly. I can't wait to see the pictures!

  13. How fun for you! Less than a month and your sweetheart returns home. I'm so excited for you!

  14. Hatteras Hello!

    Moving is exciting and I know you're going to have a great time placing everything and getting organized.

    I actually posted at Yahweh's Retreat and wanted to stop by for a visit.


  15. My favorite part of moving is decorating the new place. It's like an empty canvas with so much potential. I can't wait to see pictures of how it turns out. Don't get too nervous - have fun with it. So nice of your family to give you so much help.

  16. I'm going to keep bugging you!!!!!!

  17. I hope everything goes smoothly! I am so excited that you are blogging again :)

    I know it will be bittersweet to be further away from your family!

  18. Moving is so exciting and soooo much work. It's good you have a lot of help. Enjoy decorating, it will help pass the time until your sweety comes home.
