
The Ball

This year we finally get to go to the Marine Corps ball! The first year, we were traveling cross country from California. The second year (last year), he was gone for training for 6 weeks. And this year...he will be back, and we get to go!!! The date this year is for November 17th. Just a quick note...the Marine Corps ball is to celebrate the birthday of the Marine Corps;o)
Well, I don't know many girls who don't like to buy a new ball gown and feel like a princess for a night. I have a certain dress in mind, it's simple, but I think it's quite elegant, and black is always classic, what do you think??? Everybody and their sister wears red to the ball, so I'm trying to stay away from red! (Sorry the picture is not very good quality, but you get the idea.)The dress has pockets, how ingenius is that!? Plus, I already have ideas for my hair including a matching black satin head band;o) I called yesterday and made reservations at the hotel where we will be staying that night. The ball is going to be in a different town about an hour from here. The ball will be held at the same hotel that we are staying in. We figured it was going to be over late, that there will probably be some stupid ones who drink and think they can make the hour long trip back, therefore putting ours, and many other lives in danger, and of course, it will be nice to stay away from home for a night. I love staying in different cities, in different hotels...if they are nice of course. This hotel has a pretty reputable name, so I'm not too worried. Any place you have to pay $9.00 daily to park has to be pretty upscale, wouldn't you think?
I'm a little exctied, but I bet you could never tell, lol.


  1. How fun for you and Jason!

    The dress looks great...simple yet elegant.

  2. That dress is beautiful! I agree with Frazzled Farm Wife...it's simple yet elegant (which is always a good thing)!

    I'm sure you and Jason will have a GREAT time! How exciting :)!!

    Have a great day!


  3. I love that dress, and you will look so beautiful. You always do!

  4. What an elegant looking dress! I hope somehow, someway you can get some good pictures of you two. Is it tacky to bring along the camera at such a formal ball? Hope not, cause it be really cool to see you two dancing. I can just imagine how excited you are. HAVE FUN!!

  5. I have a feeling you won't even know that anyone else is attending that ball :) I think Jason's eyes will be only for you!

    Hmmm, sounds wonderful!

  6. That gown is gorgeous! And, I love the fact that it has pockets. You can keep those tiny little necessary things, like lipstick, with you without having to carry a bag.

    You'll have to post pictures. I hope you have a wonderful time.

  7. The dress is gorgeous! What a fun thing to anticipate!

  8. Oh, it's going to be so much fun, Christie! The dress is amazing..you are going to look like Cinderella!

  9. I am so excited for you! I LOVE the dress, it is very, very cute.

    I guess I should say elegant, but you know what I mean.

    I love the look of your blog!!

  10. Wow what a beautiful dress! The ball sounds like so much fun! Your gonna have alot of fun!!!

  11. The dress is just beautiful. It's SO COOL to hear you planning an outing for you and Jason!!! I'm all smiles for you!!

  12. How exciting. What a fun event to plan for.
    The dress is beautiful. I bet you will look stunning.

  13. The dress is GORGEOUS and I know you will look so pretty!! I wish I had a chance to dress up and relive prom!! =) I'm excited for you, going to the ball... the only chance I had to go, I was all ready and my husband got all mad about something and refused to go, sigh.... So I will live vicariously through you and I can't wait for pictures!! =)
