

Jennifer has tagged me to do the post where I tell you nine facts about myself, one being untrue. Your job is to pick out the one that is not true:) Good luck! I'll let you know the answer in a few days.

1. I suffer from panic attacks.

2. I've been smacked by a 90-something year old woman.

3. I've had my ears pierced 5 times.

4. I learned to water ski when I was seven years old and not long after, was almost hit by a boat full of drunk people while skiing.

5. I've been taken to the Emergency Room 5 times, two of those times were by ambulance.

6. I have met President Bush, he came to visit our base last year, and he did a meet and greet.

7. We (my hubby and I) drove all the way from California to eastern Tennessee without stopping to sleep.

8. I have petted a fully grown wolf, held a snake, and hand fed dolphins.

9. I've never flown in an airplane before.

Happy guessing!

If you would like to play, consider yourself tagged!


  1. Thanks for playing... I think I know this one, so I'm gonna pass on guessing :o)

    Love you!

  2. Ok...You did really good on this one! Hmmmm...I'm going to pick that you've never flown in an airplane. I was 21 and on our honeymoon before I ever flew...and I bet you drove on your honeymoon and when you moved closer to family. ?????? Can't wait to hear your stories!

  3. Yeah, so I helped you with this one.... so I guess I can't play!

  4. Number 6. Has to be number 6. That would just be too cool.

  5. I think it is false that you have never flown before...

  6. I'm going to say #8. Petted a wolf and held a snake and hand fed dolphins.
    That is something I wouldn't want to do..pet a wolf and hold a snake. I hate snakes. EWWW!

  7. HMMMM, not sure but I would guess the last one (about the airplane).

  8. I'm going to guess #6 with the ambulances. If I'm wrong, I can't WAIT to hear those stories!!

  9. I know the answer!
    But I won't play. ;0)

  10. Hmmm...I am going to guess that you have flown in an airplane before!

  11. hey honey bear since i helped you do i get to play???? I know it i know it lol I LOVE YOU BABY!!!! i hope you have a great day

  12. I think the one about being slapped by the elderly lady is not true!!

  13. Those are great....so hard to pick! Hmm...I'm going to say #8!!


  14. I am not very good at this but based on the fact that you have panic attacks, I think you have never flown in an airplane. I was 35 before I ever flew and it caused me to have panic attacks.lol I'm just kidding. I really hated it though. connie from Texas

  15. I'm leaning towards number 9 too! Looking forward to reading your next post!

  16. Mmm... alright, this is hard. But my guess is "I had my ear pierced 5 times".

    I bet I'm wrong, though. I never have luck with that sort of things. :)

  17. hmmm I missed out on this.. i woulda got it wrong tho for sure!!! haven't stopped by for awhile... been busy working..and so evenings are pretty much taken up doing house stuff and spending time with my girls (o:
