

My sweetie just sent me some pictures of one of the sandstorms they just recently had. When we lived in the California desert, we encountered a sandstorm, but it was not even half of what this one looks like! Wow!


  1. Goodness, I wouldn't want to be caught out in that! Yikes...

  2. Oh, I don't even watch to imagine how it feels. It would certainly hurt as it strikes your face. And I think a mouthful would be common, as well as ... oh, in your eyes! Eeeek. And of course they can't just go soak in a nice hot tub to get it all off either. I'll take the nasty smoke from wildfires any day.

  3. WOW!! I'm glad we don't have those here!

  4. Oh, my gosh. My eyes itch and my teeth feel gritty just looking at these pictures! I have all the more respect for Jason and the soldiers who live in these conditions. My daughter's girl scout troop has "adopted" a soldier in Iraq. She sends us pictures from time to time. Her last e-mail said how she can't wait to see green grass again! She's at Camp Bucca. I pray for her quick and safe return as well!

  5. Looks like a nasty one! I hope those guys are hanging in there!

  6. Wow!! That looks like quiet the sandstorm. Praying for your husband's safety.

  7. Ugh! Looking at that makes me wonder how they breathe! Blessings to all our soldiers!!

  8. I've read about them but never seen pictures. Do they last for a long time? I don't like sand, so that would be horrible. I guess even if you DO like sand, it would be horrible. Lord, bless them all!!

  9. I can't even imagine being in conditions like that! He (and all the others over there) are more and more heroic to me every day.

  10. I'm sure their little baby wipes don't quite do the trick to clean that mess off their bodies. I hope they get to shower somehow.
    I've heard about these sand storms and they are nasty.
    One more reason to be praying for our troops!

  11. I remember Mark telling me about all the sand storms they had. He to THIS DAY does NOT like sand...not even on a wonderful BEACH!

  12. Thank you Jason for everything that you have to go through, endure, sacrifice, and put up with to protect our country. Your service and committment to our country is truely appreciated.

  13. Wow! When I lived in Phoenix we would have some pretty awesome ones but nothing like that!

  14. wow, thats pretty bad..I pray for you soldier and all out men serving..They are our heroes..

  15. wow! that's incredible!! wouldn't want to be in that!

  16. Oh my goodness! That looks like the worst thing ever. I hate to go to the beach and get sand everywhere. I can't imagine what that must be like. How do they breathe? I know someone commented on that, but it really must be awfully hard.

    I think about you and your hubby often. Know that I'm still praying for both of you. Have a good weekend!

  17. they last from 5 mins to a hole day we had one yesterday that lasted the hole day, breathing is funny cause you'll see people walking around with stuff over their face with gogles. i don't wear anything i just go out in it. lol my lungs prob. have 5 lbs. of sand in them. we take showers every night if you want to. we have what they call a shower trailer. it's just a little trailer with shower stalls in it and some sinks too. we have hot and warm water there really is no cold water cause the sun heats it up. if ya'll have any more ?'s i'll be more then happy to answer them.
    I LOVE YOU BABE!!!!!!

  18. oh me. we send jason a postcard from the beach... he'll get it in a few weeks ~~ right when I'm wishing I was back there!

    I have a funny story to tell you later ~~~ but the conclusion of it is....... the 'red' hair or at least some kind of highlights are a must now. ASAP

    Love you, can't wait to see you Tuesday

  19. I can't imagine what that is like in person! Different types of weather show us how powerful our God is.

    Jason, you are in my prayers. Thank you for serving our country.


  20. Yikes is right! I can't imagine!
    I saw on the news that it's going to be like 117 degress or so in Iraq!!

    Have you started your house hunt yet?

    Have a blessed week!

  21. Oh my goodness, I can only imagine!!! :-( I am so glad they can at least take a shower, but still. Whenever I complain about the dust her in New Mexico my husband tells me it's nothing compared to over there, and now I can see what he was talking about. Yikes!!!

  22. Wow!
    That reminds me of the stories my dad and grandma told me about the Dust bowl in Oklahoma and Texas!
    I'm sure those are not fun at all to have to go through!

  23. Goodness, now that is what I call a sand storm. I hate sand, so I would really dislike it there. Yuck, is what comes to mind.
    Praying for your hubby,

  24. Christie, good for you joining WW. You should also join the "Tales from the Scales" challenge. It is good motivation, some good recipes (tomorrow is a recipe day) and encouragment. Let me know if you need a link, but you might be able to link from my side bar logo.

  25. Hi Christie... just popped in to say hello... how ya doin? I see the days are slowly comin' off that counter til the day Jason gets to come home and be with you again, safe and sound!! the first # is now 2!!! yippee!! guess after the 2 tho there's a 4 (weeks)... but you're getting there... when do you start house hunting... or are you already doing it online?

  26. I just noticed your 3 months down label. Wow, it's hard to believe it's been 3 months already! I'm sure you've felt every single day! I'm still praying for his speedy and safe return!

  27. I can not even imagine. It just gives me that much more appreciation for your husband and all who serve.
