
And the answer is...

Okie Dokie...the answers to my Balderdash post are:

1. True. I do not and have never dealt well with stress. I tend to push things down and try to ignore them, and this is the way it comes out. My first one happened when I was working at a daycare. They are very few and far between, thank goodness, but still no fun when they do happen.

2. True. LOL. I am a certified nursing assistant (not currently practicing) and while I was in school for this, we had to do clinicals at a nursing home. One of my patients for the day was a woman in her 90's who was bedridden. I was assigned to give her a sponge bath. Long story short...she didn't let me.

3. True. First time when I was five, they got infected even though my mom cleaned them and took very good care of them (I'm not a good healer), we let them grow up, got them done again at 8...they did it again, waited until I was 18 and they finally healed up, got my second holes when I was 19, they were fine, and got my cartiledge pierced when I was 20.

4. True. My dad was pulling me with his boat with my mom and sister and another couple who were friends of my parents on board. I fell, and the drunk people thought it would be funny to scare my parents and came straight towards me, I was told that they came within feet of me. My mom was in the process of jumping out of the boat to get to me when they cut away, laughing. Needless to say, we found them on the lake later and my dad's friend drenched them and their boat with a wall of water from his kneeboard (he was pretty good, lol).

5. True. 4 times for passing out, once by ambulance when we lived in California because Jason couldn't wake me up and I had a seizure, the other time I was taken by ambulance was from the daycare when I had my first panic attack, I couldn't breathe.

6. False. I WISH! He has been at our base, but unfortunately, we did not get to meet this wonderful man.

7. True. We had not seen our family in 7 months and we were putting the pedal to the metal. We switched off driving and got cross country in 2 days. We only stopped in East Tennessee b/c it was 10 at night and everyone at home would be asleep when we got there, so we slept...slept hard, got up at 8 and finished the drive.

8. True. I petted a wolf when we lived in California (remember, we lived in the desert), he had been caught by animal control roaming people's backyards, and they didn't have the heart to put him down since he hadn't harmed anyone, so they were holding him until a wildlife place came and got him, he was there when we were looking for dogs, and they let us pet him. I held a snake in 5th grade at a reptile show that came to our school. And, I hand fed dolphins at SeaWorld...it was awesome.

9. True. I have NEVER flown, nor do I want to!


  1. Yay! I was right. Pure guess but still. That was fun. I love this game.

  2. LOL! I was wrong! It was fun to play along!

  3. Awwww..you got me! Good choice. That option sounded totally realistic. It was neat to hear those things about you. If I can think of 9 interesting things about me, I'll give this a try myself...when I get back from the beach. =o)

  4. Oh, well... my guess wasn't right... but it was fun :)

  5. YAY! I got this one right... (in my head)

  6. This was so fascinating to find out more about you! I'm still upset just reading about the water skiing thing...I'm feeling down-right mad at those crazy people!
    And I can relate to the panic attacks...as with you, they have happened few and far between, but they are so scary to go through...I seemed to have more of them when I was in my 20's, by the way.
    Have a great week, Christi!

  7. I thought that was true too! LOL

    Have a great day!

  8. I was wrong, you did pretty good at this.

    It was interesting reading all these! I too, do not care to fly...am too claustrophobic.

  9. These were great answers!! I've had a couple of panic attacks, and they are scary!!! Nursing home clinicals were tough... she sounds like a feisty one!! But sometimes it was heartbreaking. One time this lady got a death grip on my arm when we were leaving her room, and started crying and (I think) begging us not to leave, but she was speaking Spanish so I couldn't understand her. I stood there crying and didn't know what to do until our teacher came back and got me. I wished I could, but I don't think I would really make it working in a nursing home. :-(

  10. Ok, so I missed this one. It was a fun way to learn more about you though! Your "false" statement was completely believable!

  11. Wow, I learned som very cool things about you! I probably wouldn't have guessed right! I just did this too, and I don't know if I have ever done a harder meme!

  12. So fun to read your answers. Sorry I missed the guessing part. You are an interesting girl.
    I love many things about you :)

  13. great post Christy... #2 made me laugh... altho I suppose it wasn't funny at the time....sorry.. my mil worked in a nursing home so I've heard unbelievable stories!! and yes similar to yours....
    How's Jason doing? He must be getting SO excited to be coming home soon

  14. It was fun to learn more about you.

  15. Hey I just did this on my blog too! Isn't it fun! See if you can guess my lie. :-)
