
Thank you for all of your sweet birthday wishes!!! You are all so kind! I had a wonderful 25th birthday:)

Like my mom said, these past two weeks and the coming months are going to be a bit of a blur, and I really am sorry I haven't been around much, my heart is just not in blogging right now. I feel like I'm rushing all the time, and when I do sit down at the computer, it is to talk to Jason, and then I usually pass out as soon as he gets off! I hate that I'm so far behind on everybody's posts and daily happenings, but I promise to catch up with y'all soon! So, I guess this is my official leave of absence. I want to do blogging because I enjoy it, and right now with life being so nuts, I feel like it's become more of an item on my to-do list! And, please don't take it as reading y'alls posts is a chore, I have still been running by here and there and reading here and there, but not so much on commenting. I will be back, not sure how long, but I will be back! I hope you all are having a glorious summer! Big Hugs...


  1. give Jason a "wink" for me when you see him tonight ~~~ don't forget to use your index finger to keep that one eye closed, it's a necessity! ;o)

    glad to hear you had a great birthday! MUAH! you will have to come over again so we can have a belated birthday lunch at my house.

    Love you!

  2. Happy Birthday girly! I wished you well on your momma's blog, but wanted to stop in here and do the same.

    I read a wonderful blurb at the end of someone's post the other day -- can't remember which one (lol!).

    In essence the blogger said -- I would love to see you all daily, but cannot do so anymore in the blogging world than I could see my friends each day in real world.

    Greatly paraphrased ;o), but the meaning is there. I don't make it around daily; I just can't.

    We'll see you when you have time, sweetie. You've much on your plate right now. Hugs to you and that precious hubby of yours! Looking forward to pictures of the two of you -- *together* again! :o)

  3. I so understand. I am sure being busy is a good thing for you right now, and will make the time go by quickly.

  4. Hope you let me know when you are settled and back on your computer. I will continue to pray for you and your honey.

  5. I can completely understand where you are. I haven't blogged in a while and I'm trying to stay caught up with reading, but it's hard!

    Take care of yourself and all the things you need to do. I'll keep checking up on you through your mom.

    Have a great week and a happy bloggy break.

    P.S. I'm glad you had a great birthday. I hope you have many, many more.

  6. Enjoy your blogging break.
    I will miss you, but understand as I haven't been able to get around to everyone's posts and comment as often..nor have I been posting as often.

  7. YAY! you soon need to change your little icon on the side bar to say "4 months down" :o)


  8. I guess I didn't know it was your b-day, SOO Happy 25th B-day. I got married when I was 25. Wow am I starting to feel old now. Anyways hope you are back soon. Will pray for your husbands safety and to be home soon. I know that feeling. I had 2 brothers in Iraq for a year. Will pray for you to find ways to make the time go by fast so you don't have to sit and think about it. Hope to see ya back real soon

  9. Happy belated birthday!
    Hey, don't feel bad. Jason is definitely more important than blogging. I can't even imagine how tired you must be!

  10. I really understand...
    You are such a sweetheart and I'll continue to pray for you and Jason.

    (((BIG HUGS))) and let us know when you are back!

  11. I had no idea you had a birthday! Happy birthday Christie!!!

  12. Sorry I missed your birhtday too! HAPPY BELATED ONE!

    Don't apologize for needing to take a break; we all understand. Praying for you and Jason.


  13. I'm late because I was out of town, but a big Happy 25th Birthday to you!!

    It IS hard to keep up with the reading and posting of blogs. It's great, but it does take time. You are understandably busy and divided!! I'll look forward to seeing you and hearing from you as you are able. {{BIG HUGS}}

  14. I will miss you but I do understand and hope you enjoy your break.

  15. Hey Christy,
    I feel that way about blogging too sometimes. I think every one is busy right now. I can only muster up a post or two a week!

    I did want to tell you that I thought of and prayed for Jason yesterday at church. It won't be long now!

    Have a great day!

  16. hey ma'am!

    just wanted to tell you that you've been tagged to do this meme thing...

    don't rush or anything, I know you are all super duper busy!

    love you bunches!

  17. Hey Christie..
    happy belated bd!!! hope it was good..as it sounds that it was.

    I'm in the same boat as you with blogging just for different reasons. My girls are done school now so life is busy with them here...we're finding too much to do to be sitting at the computer. Don't want them looking at my back all summer!! :D

    One of these days I'll post the before and after pictures of the pool now that it's finally up and running!
    take care you! Hey - did you find a house yet? How's Jason doing... must be getting anxious to get back home!
    take care and we'll be talking again soon! Have a super awesome summer!

  18. Prayers for you and Jason! Enjoy your "break"!

  19. Just stopping by today because I was thinking about you. Hope all is going well. =o)

  20. I miss you. I miss your blogs. I miss your smiling face. I miss your blogs. I miss your kinky attitude. I miss your blogs. I miss your brown hair. I miss your blogs. Or maybe it's blonde now, I miss your blonde hair. I miss your blogs. I miss you.

    Did I mention that I miss your blogs?

    :o) Love you!

  21. I hope you had a very happy 25th birthday. I know you must be very busy right now. I hope things continue to go well and that your husband will be home soon. connie from texas

  22. I found your blog from "Over the Backkyard Fence".

    While I know this time is very difficult for you, please know that your husband, you and your family and all other soldiers serving the United States of America remain in my thoughts and daily prayers. Thank you so much for what your husband does, and thank you for keeping the homefires burning.

    I, too, have family serving overseas and it is a sobering and very proud thing at the same time.

    I don't know what I could ever do, but if you have need of something you feel I can give . . . all it takes is an email. Please do not hesitate.

  23. WHAT? I missed your PARTY?! Bummer. I hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~ jb///

  24. Hi Christie... I don't know if you're even glancing at your blog these days, but just in case you are--"HI!!" Just checkin' in to see if you're back yet...I see it's less than a month now 'til Jason comes home!!! You must be SO excited!!
    Hope all is going well with finalizing all your stuff for your new home for when Jason gets home!!
    Take care --Heather

  25. OOps... Happy late birthday and many,many more!
