
Some Stuff

I have been so MIA lately, but with good reason!  I have been a busy, busy girl!  J started back with MCT classes in May after a year off with SAC company (the students who get held back due to sickness, legal trouble, family matters, etc.), and he is trying to get back in the swing of things, and get readjusted to the horrible hours and scheduling.  Although it's been a little better so far due to the fact that they aren't quite as under-staffed as the first year, so he only has duty about once a week compared to every four days.  He has 3 days left til this class graduates and man, are we both ready for the 3 week break!  28 days straight of work is the pits, and I kinda totally miss my husband during that month.  He somewhat resembles a zombie at times.  And tends to be a bit cranky (I try and understand and sympathize b/c I know he's exhausted, but sometimes, he comes really close to being the recipient of a swift slap to the back of the head).

So, here's what I've been doing to stay busy this past month:

Ashwee, Matt, and Austin came down to visit the last weekend of May...well it was closer to a week long visit at 5 days.  It was so nice to have some company with J being gone a lot.  We had a wonderful time, as always.

I rode home with the gang on Memorial Day to surprise Daddy, Momma, and Alaina.  I loved seeing their surprise faces...so much fun!  The traffic and heavy rains on Memorial Day made for terrible traveling conditions, and what usually takes us 3 1/2 hours, took us over 5.  It was amusing to watch Austin and Matt cram into the backseat of Matt's car with two 50+ pound dogs, though.  Ashley drove and Matt reluctantly so graciously gave up the front seat, so I was saved from the dog pile (literally).

While at home, I got my hair did.  Stylists (good ones anyways) charge an arm and a leg in this town, so I went to Ashley's girl and she did a magnificent job.  I finally got some extensions too.  And they match perfectly!  Didn't think I would find any to match as well as they do!  See:

Wednesday, Daddy and his girls did a double feature movie night date, and we saw The Avengers - excellent! - and MIB 3 - ok but not as good as I had hoped.  We had a blast and got home a little after midnight when we all crashed into bed.

Thursday, the gals (minus Alaina who was working) did some shopping in town, where I finally found Essie's new summer colors at Target.  Yay!

And, then, Friday, J made a day trip to come retrieve his wife.  It was a quick turn around for him because he had work the next day, but he got a really yummy meal out of it, and got to see everybody for a little bit, which was a little mood booster for him.  Last minute, after looking at scheduling, we arranged for Alaina to come back with us for two weeks until everyone comes for Father's Day weekend to visit.  She is done with school and was ready for a little vacay.  I've enjoyed having her around, I don't get to spend much time with just her since she's a teenager, and usually pretty busy these days.  I think she jumped on the chance for a slower paced couple of weeks before her internship at the barn continues and a summer of horse camps starts up.

Ok, so I'll be a little more frequent now.  Maybe.  It's still a busy month ahead.  But I'll try to be better!

1 comment:

  1. I kind of feel like I've been on a roller coaster, too! It has been nice having Daddy all to myself, but we sure do miss Laina-pooh! Thank you for giving her a much needed break. Can't wait to see you in a few!!! Love you muches!
