
Last Wednesday...

I got to see Mandi!!!  This girl has been my BFF since first grade!  I won't tell you how many years that is.  I feel like she has been in my life forever!  I don't have a ton of friends, but the ones that I do have mean the world to me, and I hang on to them.  Mandi lives in Texas now with her husband, Chris (which gets confusing since she has called me Chris since before she was with him).  We don't get to see each other nearly enough, but usually can figure out a time at least once a year to get together.  We worked it out at Christmas, AND last week.  Twice within six months.  Yay!  Mandi was back home (where we are both from) visiting for summer break since she's a teacher, and since I wasn't home the same week, we worked it out to meet in Raleigh for the day.  She brought her sister, who I've known just as long, and I brought Alaina.  Her sister has two precious little girls who were so much fun too,  Hannah and Kara.  We walked around the Crabtree Valley Mall, and then ate at The Cheesecake Factory (it's really good that the closest one is 2 hours from me, because I would eat there every day).  We finished up at Old Navy and had to part ways, but I feel so lucky to have gotten to see her if only for a little bit. 

Here we are before time to go with Kara and Hannah (I'm holding Hannah).


  1. Ya'll look like naturals! Those are some cute babies!

  2. So wish I could have gone.. love this picture! Maria has some precious babies. I love your hair.
