
7 Already?!

I can't believe he's 7 today!  Where does the time go?!  I still remember when he came into this world, all blue and banged up, but that little guy was such a fighter!  And look how big, strong, and handsome he is now!!!  7 years ago, I became "Aunt Eesie", this little fella gave me the job of being an aunt for the first time, and it's a job that I have loved every step of the way!  He has brought so much joy to our family, so many laughs, so many hugs and kisses, and so many happy times.  We love you Austin and hope that today brings everything you wish for!

I found a cute definition of what an aunt is and can only hope that Austin sees me this way:

Aunt:  a cherished friend and personal cheerleader who will always see you through rose-colored glasses.

Happy Birthday, buddy!


  1. You've always been great with words, Auntie Eesie! He is certainly a huge blessing in all of our lives. I think he will always see you as the great aunt that you are!
    Love you baby girl.

  2. Awww! That was the sweetest post! Love the picture of you two together.
