
Catching Up & A Few Funnies

I have renamed Kojak due to the fact that he eats any and everything.  Lola's food, the kitties' food, cat litter, the burnt drippings from the grill that we cleaned out last week, he even licks the carpet in random areas of the house to see if he can pick up some crumbs that we may have missed somehow.  So his new name, and what we are all calling him these days is Piggy Fatterson.  It's perfect.

I quite enjoyed my dad's reaction to my nose piercing this past weekend, as it made me laugh quite a bit.  I have a diamond stud in it, and he tried to pick it off, saying I had a booger on the outside of my nose...I asked if boogers were shiny and looked like diamonds, and he said "Well, you've always been a princess, so it makes sense that you would have diamond boogers!"...he's quite the comedian...

We went to the fair while we were home visiting.  First time I've been in about 7 years.  I probably won't be going back for another 7, at least.  I think I'm getting old because it wasn't nearly as fun as it used to be.  The crowds smother me, the food hurts my stomach and the rides make me dizzy (well, most of them).  It was fun to spend the time with my family, and to watch Jason and Matt try their luck at the mechanical bull (video to follow), and to see the excitement on Austin's face, but I think I'm good for a while.

Everybody is coming down to our house this weekend:)  Ash, Matt, and Austin will be here tomorrow night, and we will be going to Mike's Farm here in town Thursday, for country cuisine and a pumpkin patch hayride, I think I'm almost as excited as Austin!  Thursday night, Momma, Daddy, Alaina, and Grandma will arrive:)  The guys have big plans for fishing and shrimping (shrimp that will come in handy for the weekend!).  And us gals will probably just enjoy being together and taking advantage of the cool temps settling in this week!  We will be celebrating Grandma's birthday with Gumbo (with the aforementioned shrimp) and Paula Deen's Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake on Saturday (YUM!).  Before they head out on Sunday, we will be watching the Panthers/Redskins game at 1:00 and hoping for a much needed win!  I'm ready to get them here!  Pictures are sure to follow!

We FINALLY got the pumpkins painted.  It was a bigger job than I expected!  But I am so thrilled with the outcome.  I piled them up in my fireplace and am quite in love with the outcome:)

Jason's didn't fit with my pretty pumpkins.  So his found a home next to the witch's broom.  He insisted on doing a scary one, so I insisted it wasn't going in the fireplace with mine:)

As of today, I have 14 days until I start decorating for Christmas:)  I always like to do it at the first of November, because one month is NEVER long enough for me to enjoy it!  I have also started Christmas shopping and plan to be done before December this year.  That's the plan anyways...

Tiffany is coming up to spend Thanksgiving with us this year!  It will be nice to have a visit longer than 2 days, and she will finally get to see where we are from and see the whole family.  She will be staying up at the cabin in the foothills with us at Dad and Mom's.  And she will be going with us Black Friday shopping at midnight ( a new tradition as of last year due to the tremendous fun we had tackling and blocking the wild women at Wally World, all while making alliances with the others so we had eyes and ears in all parts of the store!).  And of course our annual tree trip to the mountains.  I can't wait!

Jason's college classes start back up on the 6th.  He should be done by summer time and have his bachelor's degree! Please be praying for guidance for the two of us, and that if it's God's will, that He will provide a job in the civilian world for us at the end of this enlistment (November 2013) that will be what we need, and that if it's not, that He gives me peace about having to stay in the military, because these days, I am so very weary of this lifestyle and it's demands on Jason and his time, and I'm really tired of missing out on so many things with our family.

We are praying that Jason's leave gets approved for December!  Our plan is to take several weeks over Christmas.  It has been so long since we have had leave and last year everybody had to come to our house because he had to work.  Hence the "weary of this lifestyle".

Anyways, I realized that I am really behind on my updates, so I will post some pictures from the wedding job I had last month, and our mini vacay in Myrtle Beach as well, soon!  Oh, and I have some from the fair too.  I just hate uploading pictures on blogger, they always give me issues..


  1. You know what I'm praying for! Next year will be a great year, I just feel it.
    Can't wait for the week-end, too, and all the fun girl things to do!
    Love those stacked pumpkins you painted in the fireplace. So cute! Jason's --not so much. :oc
    It's scary.....
    Love you and see ya very soon!!!

  2. Lola's new name is Fatty Piggerson. She eats Sandwiches off plates, bugs, trash and other assorted things off the ground. She annoys me.

    Diamond boogers... LOL. That was pretty funny. At least you look good with diamond boogers, they just exaggerate my abnormally large nose.

    Walmart is no longer the portal to hell. The Dixie Classic Fair is. Austin now wants to go every year. I hope he has fun alone.

    We are stoked to get down there and have some fun and relaxation. Get the heck out of Dodge. (I like that saying, it reminds me of the episode of Veggie Tales, where they live in a town where dodge balls randomly smack you in the face.) I want to send Fatty Piggerson there. She runs from money on the floor and water bottles.. can you imagine how hilarious that would be! I think that would make my year.

    I think it's unhealthy how much I am looking forward to that Gooey Butter Cake. Just sayin'

    Those pumpkins rock! Even Jason's. I cannot lie. I am a little sad his didn't make the cut. His is on the "physically challenged" plate.

    I am going to knock some people senseless when we go Black Friday shopping. I am excited Tiff is going to be here, I think he will be a vital part in this shopping ordeal.. I can see her going spider monkey on some people.

    I am not paying 75.00 for a tree this year. I will bring my own saw, dress up in all green, hug my tree, and walk slowly walk it down the hill. And then RUNNN like the dickens (I don't really know what that expression means, I hope it fits here.) And throw it on my car, and let Matt ride up there holding it down until we make a clean get away.

    If you don't get lots of leave for Christmas I am going to kidnap the both of you. And I will be all sneaky and covert like.. you wont see it coming.

    Love you!
