
A Little Break from the House Tour

We came home last night. After word that home was getting lots and lots of snow, there was no stopping Jason from getting us here. He missed our last much anticipated snow since he was in Iraq, and he was NOT going to miss another one;o) We got here at about 12. AM that is. . We had lots of rain up until about Durham, and it started turning to ice/slush/snow. It was an automatic halt of everyone on the highway..65 to 30ish. We were still doing pretty good until Greensboro, and then things slowed again. Not for the tractor trailers though, they scared me SO bad! One flew by us so fast and close that we could've reached out the window and touched it! I screamed. Probably didn't help Jason's nerves! It also didn't help that we have a weak-tummied dog, who puked twice before we even got to the highway. I was not a happy girl. Thank goodness for Benadryl..we knocked his tail out. When we FINALLY got to our exit, we had seen several people wreck, cars that just given up and pulled over just to get snowed under, and many a car tangled up in the guard wires. We talked with God alot during our trip, and He delivered and got us home safely. Thank you Lord! Our exit was covered with ice and snow. The roads were completely white. We drove the rest of the way home at about 15 mph. A 7 minute drive took about 25 minutes, but we got there! Ashley and Matt were patiently awaiting our arrival and helped us get unloaded. We hit the sack at about 1:15.

It wasn't completely decided at first for us to come home, but we all figured out how to get us HOME! Matt and Jason will head back tomorrow for Jason to work a half day and check out for leave, while Matt will be working at a bank in a nearby town. Jason will get his car and hit the road back here Monday afternoon, and Matt will be back Tuesday.

We had a very eventful day of sledding at the school across the road, got some great pictures that I will share soon. Then we came home to a cozy fire, shared (and laughed) at the pictures, ate a warm lunch courtesy of Momma, and then all crashed for naps. We are now rested, awaiting the baking chickens, and will all snuggle in for goodies, hot chocolate, family time, and maybe a Christmas movie tonight. We are all spending the night at Daddy and Momma's. Things couldn't be better.

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