
Happy Birthday Honey Bunny!

I am SO happy to have you home in time, not only for Christmas, but for your birthday! You are my soulmate, you truly are, and God has blessed me beyond measure with you as my husband, and I thank Him for giving you to me to walk through this life with, hand in hand. I love you so much!!! You are my prince charming, my knight in shining armor, my hero, my best friend, my support, my rock, my one true love. And I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being everything I always wanted and needed.

Welcome home, babe. My world is complete again. Happy Birthday, sweetie. I hope it's the best one yet!


  1. Love this picture! Just yesterday, in fact!

  2. Happy Birthday Jason!
    I am so glad you could make it up for your actual birthday this year.

    Jason looked super cool in his sledding outfit. Too bad his moves were not as slick..haha

  3. thank you guys, i'm super glad to be home and to see/play in the snow. i hope all ya'll have a merry christmas
