
Weekly Recap

Remember this? That version was not very health friendly. The gobs of the "full of fat" cheese on top was enough to make you actually feel your arteries closing, plus hamburger isn't the healthiest meat out there. Then you have the mashed potatoes, made with cream and butter. Sooo, I set out to make one of my favorite dishes more health conscious. I replaced the cheese with the 2% version, which, when melted, tastes the same, without so much grease. Instead of the hamburger meat, I now use ground turkey, which also has much of the same taste without the fat, especially when mixed with the brown gravy. Then lastly, I replaced the homemade, made with cream and butter, potatoes, with instant potatoes. I make the instant potatoes with low fat milk and margarine. Personally, I love homemade potatoes better, but in the casserole, you can't tell:) It greatly decreases the fat and grease, is easier on the tummy, and you still get all the great taste. I like it!

Now, on to more serious things. Jason made it safely to his destination. They went by convoy:( At least he's there, now I just have to worry about him getting back! They are supposed to be flying back tomorrow (Saturday). Thank you for your prayers, please pray for safe travels back. I haven't gotten to talk to him but once, letting me know he made it there. Probably won't hear from him until he gets back.

Also, please pray for my Ashwee. She has suffered three migraines this week alone. We think it was the medicine the doctor put her on. Pray that it leaves her system and she can get back to normal. Having had my fair share of migraines, I totally feel for her. They are completely terrible.

Back to a lighter note, it's mine and Austin's night to sleepover at "Mimi and Bubbah's". We usually go over on Friday nights to have dinner, usually a movie, and a sleepover. This gives Ash and Matt a night to relax together without an extra person in their house, and a little quiet time without the millions of inquisitive questions from a very curious four year old;o)

Kojak is doing very well with the sit, and down commands:) He's a pro now. Down is "lay down". He's getting better at the no jumping thing, we're still working on it. It takes a time or two of getting ignored, and then he remembers. I'm proud of the little fella.

My aunt and uncle are in town for a little over a week. I always love when they come to visit. They are the owners of Kojak's brother, T.Beau. It will be neat to see him this week. I haven't seen him since we got them in Jan.

I'm glad we didn't get the predicted freezing rain last night. I don't like being house bound against my will. We will supposedly be back up in the 60's by Monday:)

Mom and I went to a Pampered Chef party last night. I love kitchen gadgets. You can never have enough. This prompted us to have a party of our own. March 31 if anyone is interested in coming! The more the merrier!

Tomorrow night we will be celebrating Matt's birthday at Momma and Daddy's. Birthday dinners are always fun:)

We are planning on going to see "Race to Witch Mountain" and taking Alaina next week. I think it will be a neat movie. I'll let ya know!

Well, time to get going. Have a great weekend!


  1. You are a sweet auntie to take Austin when the migraines hit. I feel so helpless, and I know there's nothing I can do, but still.
    We're looking forward to your sleep-over tonight!
    Love you,

  2. I hope Ashley is feeling better today! Praying for Jason all the time, he's on my list:)
