
Settled In For A Bit

I know I've been M.I.A. for a while now, but life has been craaaaazy busy. I've already been home for 5 weeks now! It actually has been going by quickly. Busy is the way to be to help the time pass, I suppose. I've got my room set up at Ashley's now, so that helps with feeling a little more grounded. We've joined a gym together, and getting healthy feels wonderful! I have a goal to work towards now. Jason will be coming home for leave in August, so I want to shed some poundage before then;o) Having 2 puppies in one house also doesn't leave much time for anything else. They have cut our work out for us, that's for sure! They are just so darn adorable though! Anyways, I'm still here, and hopefully will be posting more now. Here are some pictures of my newly decorated room at Ashley's.

Pink and Black! (Not typically my style, but why not try it out for a year?)
I definately like it...I think this stuff will work well for the guest room in our next place.My "beautifying corner"
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes...love me some shoes!


  1. Your room turned out so pretty, and yes, it's definately a veer from your normal style, but I love it! It's fun to do something different with a room sometimes.
    Love you,

  2. I like it. If any of your decor disappears... it wasn't me :)

  3. i like it babe. it looks cool and i see you made your pillows that was my idea lol. looks great baby
