
Deployment #2

Well, he's gone again. I'm left behind to wait. I knew this was his job when we got married, but it still doesn't make it any easier. He's a marine, and I couldn't be more proud of him. 13 months, they're saying. That's more than a year. A year. You can't get that back. 2009 will be a year that we lose. I am back home with my family, and getting settled. My sister and her family took me in this time. I am so grateful for my family. They are the only thing that gets me through. Them, and a few dear friends. I am a Marine's wife, and there was never a second thought as to what I would do throughout another deployment. Wait. And love him. And pray for him. Just like I did the last time. I read this somewhere, and it rings so true. "I miss him so much, but I love having him to miss." I would wait on him forever if that is what I had to do. Because he is worth it. He is my soul mate, my other half. I am incomplete without him. But I will be complete once again, because we will make it through this deployment. He will come home to me, we are strong, and I will live for the day that I can run and jump into his arms again. That day will make it all worth it. Worth all the restless, tearful nights, worth all the worry, worth all the loneliness. That next "first kiss", "first hug". It will be all better then.
Can't believe it's that time again

True heartbreak

Holding on tight to last until next time


  1. We are so glad you were able to come home and be with us. I know it's so hard, but thankfully, you didn't have to stay in a town where you don't have family around.
    Those pictures are scrapbook-worthy if I ever saw any.
    Love you,

  2. I can't help but think back to first finding you and finding my heart wrapped around your life with Jason being gone. I couldn't imagine one of my girls walking the path you were going down. I loved how you knew God was bigger than any war or any hard situation. I loved how your family and blogging friends all gathered around you to care, really care!

    Even though we have never met I still hold you close in my heart and my prayers. I'm so proud of Jason for defending me and of you for standing along side of him.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

  3. I'm praying!!! Those photos and the background music break my heart. You are a strong, strong woman. I honestly can't imagine. I pray the time goes quickly and that Jason returns safely. I pray that you keep yourself busy, that you have loving friends and family around you, and that you do something that makes you happy each day. (((hugs)))

  4. I love you my dear.

    I'm sorry I didn't get to see you yesterday.

  5. I know I have been out of commission for a long time, but I was just checking in on some of my "blogging friends". So, of course, I didn't know Jason was being deployed again. He just got home when I disappeared. I so sorry he has to go again. May God surround you both and hold you close!!
