
Yep, we're staring down the barrel of another deployment. This one...13 months. At least it's not really soon. It will be sometime at the first of 2009. God is good...all the time. He got us through the first one, He'll get us through this one. It's just never easy to hear the words, "I'm being sent back". I'm thanking Him that we have all this time before he goes back, but I know it will fly by...as long as the year following flies by too...


  1. Christie, I will keep you in my prayers. My heart sank when I read this. My brother left two weeks ago and will be there until Feb 2009. He has a wife and 3-yr-old boy here in town, so we're all rallying around to support them. God bless you and Jason.

  2. Oh Christie! I can only imagine how difficult it was to hear those words.
    Praying for you both.

  3. It just plain sucks. That's what I think. But if we are looking on the bright side of things, you get to live with me for a year! Woohoo! I love you darlin'

  4. Christie,
    I am so sorry to hear that word deployment again so soon...but the Lord will see you through it...and you will have all our prayers to lift you up...
    enjoy the time before then and save up wonderful memories to tide you over while he is away...

  5. I am so sorry that you have to hear that word again. I want to cry for you. I will be praying for you both. And wishing and hoping it won't happen. Make every day the greatest day for the next year.

  6. my heart is breaking for you... we'll start praying now :o)

    ---- I'm a dopehead, and think that I replied to your prayer request post on this post... I'm not all here today. Anyway, how's your FIL doing?
