
Prayer Request

Quick post...my father in law is having vein replacement surgery today on his legs. He has several blod clots and this is a risky surgery, but needed if he is going to have a better quality of life and be able to walk without intense pain. It's a four hour procedure, we are traveling to go see him today, and if you feel led, please say a prayer for a successful surgery and that he comes through it ok. It's starts at 12:40 and is a four hour procedure. Thanks and God Bless.


  1. Covered it in prayer this morning, and will again this afternoon. Safe travels, my loved ones!

  2. It is never a problem to pray for someone in my book. Prayer is the best thing there is. I know that from experience. SO yes I will say a prayer for your father in law. And that you guys have a safe trip to be with him and coming home.

  3. will put him in my prayer journal and remember him...
    please keep us posted on his progress...

  4. Your precious momma updated me on thing in your neck of the woods.

    You know that we will all be praying for you and Jason as well as for his dad.

    Yes, God does hold our futures and he will be holding you when the times comes for Jason to leave again.

    Sorry to hear you had some set backs with the teeth. It's no fun!

  5. Please let us know how he is doing.

    Stopping in after a very long time; finally posting and visitng!

    Vanessa :-)
