
What a blessed day!

Over the past several months, Jason and I have been really struggling to find a church close to where we live. We have visited 5 different churches here and haven't felt like any of them were a fit for us. We tried one this morning out on an island nearby, and were really happy with our visit. We plan on going back for a second visit. This encourages me, because I was starting to feel like we weren't going to find one we liked out here. We have been praying for guidance in this and I said a prayer this morning right before we went in and I feel like God may be answering with this church. We'll see in our next few visits.

Down here at the coast of NC was a beautiful 70 degrees when we got out of church, so Jason and I decided it would be a wonderful day for a picnic on the beach! It was breezy and cool by the ocean, but it made for perfect picnic weather. After lunch and feeding a nearby seagull our left over crumbs, we took about a mile and a half walk along the beach, stopped and played with some frisky dogs, found a pretty big shark's tooth (Jason is a pro shark tooth finder and we have about 50 already), and finally returned home. God gave us a beautiful, Sunday afternoon to wrap up our weekend down here at the beach. Here are a few pictures from our picnic:
Jason with the sun in his eyes and a bit of his sandwich on his mouth (hehe):

Me with the last bit of my ham sandwich:

A spring like day picnic complete with my awesome picnic basket (a gift from Momma):

Me and Jason:


  1. Oh I am so jealous. I wanna walk on the beach. Maybe we can take Austin out there when we come down, before it gets too hot. I hope you guys did find a church that fits I know how frustrated you have been. I hope next week goes just as well. Love you guys!

    PS. I heard about Jason's truck, do you like it?

  2. Sounds like a perfect day! I do hope that you find a church home soon. Searching can be so discouraging, but take heart, God knows where you belong!

  3. Beautiful day for a picnic...
    I pray for you that you will find a church home soon... I know how difficult it is to find a new church when you move...
    But God has the right one in mind for you.. continue praying and He will direct you there...

  4. What a beautiful day for a picnic! And, on the beach no less. Lucky you.

    I will be praying for your finding a church there. I know it can be difficult.

    I love the look on Jason's face in that last picture - he looks so happy and in love! What a cute couple y'all are.

  5. I'm so happy that you've finally found a good "fit", hopefully! I know I've preached a lot to you guys about finding a church "home", but you know, it's so important. We'll go with you next time we're visiting.
    Your afternoon at the beach looks very relaxing. I'm glad you're getting some use out of that "thrift find". ;0)
    I hope this new truck will be what Jason's been wanting.
    Love you,

  6. You two are just TOOO CUTE!!!

    OH-the days of just hubby and I. I have to admit...I am jealous!

    Although I wouldn't trade my children for the world. It just brings back memories!!!!

  7. Sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon!

    Love the pics.

  8. I love your flip flop hat!

    I'm so proud of you for following your walking schedule. I've been recording some exercise programs on FitTV each day, and doing them. It keeps things different each day, and if I don't like what their doing (like pilates... you know me and grace, we don't mesh) then I can do one from another day.

    What a cute picnic basket as well!

    Hope to see you soon :o)
    Love you!

  9. I am so happy you have found a possible home church...I've been there and I know the process of finding the right church can be at times discouraging.

    I somehow didn't realize you were on the coast of NC! But when my husband and I were newlyweds we lived on the coast of VA, so I'm somewhat familiar! We also took a couple trips to the outer banks...so fun, and a much different feel from here on the Oregon coast!

    Anyway, blessings and a happy New Year, Christie!

  10. Hi! I'm behind in my blogging right now, but I'm trying to get to a few each day. It looks like ya'll had a wonderful time. I wish I lived close to the beach!! I'm still so glad for you that Jason is home!! =o)
