
Slowly coming back from break...

I am still around, and I'm still alive! Life has been hectic but pretty good. I'm finally feeling a little bit better and currently working with my doctor to find the right allergy medicine mix as for some reason this season is giving me a fit. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I don't believe in making New Year's resolutions...I made promises to myself, promises to stick to doing a daily devotional, prayer, and journaling first thing in the mornings, and before my day gets going, to walk. I've been walking a mile a day and plan on bumping it up in the next week or two to doing two miles a day....Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays, if weather permits, Jason and I will go to the beach, take a picnic and walk on the beach. Sundays, I get to chill;o) My hubby also got me an exercise ball (I asked for it...he did not get it on his own, lol) for Christmas, so I am doing some ab workouts with it each day. I'm also eating much healthier for the new year. If I am going to control my blood sugars, the first step is how I eat. I already am feeling better, have more energy, and am not having to use my inhaler quite as much. Plus, it will all lead to shedding the pounds, and that is my ultimate goal.

Today we are planning on taking down the Christmas tree:( I always hate this part, but I know Christmas will be here again before we know it. When Jason first got back from Iraq, we were told he would probably be going back this September, and that would mean he was going to miss this Christmas, as well as New Years, Thanksgiving, another anniversary, and Easter. We found out last week that there are too many others who haven't even done one deployment and it's looking like he won't have to go! Yay! If he re-enlists, not this November, but next, then there is a good possibility that he will get to be an instructor in his field at a reserves base 20 minutes from my family:D That means his next four years would be non-deployable! Ok, so now I'm rambling...

Last thing, I changed my hair again this week. My daddy kept telling me he didn't recognize his daughter with dark hair, he actually couldn't find me in Target b/c my head was turned, lol. So, largely due to his wishes and the fact that I'm tired of keeping up the dark since I'm naturally light headed, I lightened it. It's not my exact color, it came out more strawberry blonde, and I'm more of an ashe/honey blonde, but I'll leave it for a while, lol. I went to a professional to do it this time, and she had to strip the dark out before she could lighten it. The only thing I can't stand about having it professionally colored is that when the use foil, they start like 3/4 of an inch down, so it looks like your hair has already started growing out. I'll probably go with my trusty Loreal Excellence box next time, lol. Here's a few self portraits:

I'll be around to visit a little soon, have a blessed weekend!


  1. Your hair looks great!

    I so hope that Jason gets to stay on this side of the pond! 20 minutes from your parents would be great!

  2. Happy New Year!!! God's many blessings to you in the coming year.

    That would be awesome if Jason could be an instructor and be close to home and not have to go back to Iraq. I will pray for that to happen.

    Your hair does look pretty. I also just use the boxed hair color and color my hair at home too.

  3. Your hair looks great!! It looks darker in the 1st few pictures though!!

    I am happy that Jason may not have to go back to Iraq. Mark will probably have to go again. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!!!

  4. Hey sweetie! I'm glad you're posting again. Even though we talk on the phone, I still like reading and seeing your pictures. Love ya,

  5. That is a great hair color it really makes your eyes stand out. I can relate to the foil issue though. Good news that your husband won't have to be deployed again. My nephew was deployed in September.

  6. Not sure how I found your blog, you've found your way into my bloglines and I can't remember where I picked up your link but I'm glad I did.

    I think your hair looks a lovely colour. My Dad likes me with blonde hair, I was dark red for a while.

    You have a lovely site.

  7. You look so adorable with your "new" hair ~ and very happy, How awesome that would be if Jason got to work only 20min. from your family! Would that mean you would get to move back where they are located? How exciting would that be?!!!!

  8. hi christie-

    i read your blog alot and wanted to tell you how great your hair looks! it is a BEAUTIFUL color! have a happy new year and stop by to visit anytime at

    it would be so cool if your husband doesn't have to redeploy!
    stop by my blog anytime!

  9. my goodness, you're *elizabeth taylor* beautiful!

    your hair looks great - love the color. loreal excellence is a great product. go for it. :o)

    i'm praying for this possibility for your hubby. how wonderful it would be to have him stateside for sure.

    bless you...

  10. Your haircolor is beautiful!

    It would be wonderful if Jason could stay home AND you could be close to your parents.

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Happy New Year to you and welcome back!

  11. Hey love, I am glad you are posting again too. I have missed keeping up with you, not that we don't talk on the phone, but you know, it's fun to stalk you on here.. lol. I like your hair lighter, think it just goes with your skin tone better. How is walking going? My hips hurt. I wish you lived closer so we could team up together. Maybe Austin and I will come down next month and stay a while. Anywho, I miss you and I love you.

  12. your hair looks so good! That's funny that your dad could nor recognize you!
    i pray that your hubby will be able to work close to home, what a precious blessing that would be.
    God bless you! Hebrews 12:1-2

  13. Christie,
    I like your new blog look... and I Love your new hair look!!
    your dad is right... you look good with light hair...I am glad you are trying to get healthier... just in case God has it in his plan for you to conceive... you need to be at your healthiest!!!
    Happy New Year... I am so happy for your good news on Jason's non-deployment

  14. Oh I have missed your bloggin'!
    Glad you are back!

    Love your hair! I like it dark, but I agree with Gordon... you just look more like yourself with it lighter :o)

    How exciting about the possibility that Jason won't have to deploy again.... AND... you'll be close to home!! (where's that at, btw??)

    I started taking down our Christmas tree yesterday, all will be done today... thank goodness, it's depressing :o)

    Love you and glad you're back!
