
Time to go!

Going to the ball, y'all! Gettin' my "hair did" at 1:00, and then off to our little water side town to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday. After we spend the night, we'll hang out down there a while tomorrow, and Amy, hopefully I'll have pictures posted tomorrow night or Monday:) Have a wonderful weekend!


Mimi said...

Oh Christie,
have a wonderful fun fun and romantic time at your ball...please post a picture of you and Jason... I know it will be beautiful!!

Jodi said...

Oh, I was wondering when it was time for the ball. Have fun Cinderella ... you already got your prince! :o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the good news from the doctor. That is exciting. Wishing you the VERY best in that whole endeavor.

I love the vase. Very, very pretty. And handmade which makes it so much more special. I hope she does not read your blog!!

Have fun today. I know you are excited to be going home next week.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ruth said...

Have a great time! I can't wait to see the pictures.

Kari said...

Oh I wish I had something to get dressed up for. That sounds so fun! Enjoy!

Tracy said...

Have a wonderful time!

Jennifer said...

Hope you and your Prince have a wonderful time at the Ball :o)

Love you and miss you!

Hailey's Beats and Bits said...

hi christie! you have a wonderful, nice blog! hope to come here often.

Lori said...

OH what fun! Have a nice time at the ball. I can't wait to see the pictures.

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Anxiously awaiting pictures!

~ Amy ~ said...

Okay Christie...the suspense is killing me. It's Monday evening and NO PICTURES.

I really hope you guys had a great time and just got lost in each others arms.