
Flu Season

Yep, it's that time again. As a diabetic and an asthmatic, I have to get the flu vaccine every fall. Today was my dr. appointment, so I got the shot, had blood drawn for my 3 month blood sugar average, and got referred to a high risk Ob-Gyn to take the steps towards getting off the pill, dealing with my menstrual migraines, and ultimately, having a baby.
Well, I feel like a pincushion (even more so than usual, lol), but I'm vaccinated and updated on all my meds and "conditions". Even though I dread doctor appointments, I always feel better once I go.
So, I start prenatal vitamins tonight:D That's a step in the right direction of becoming a mommy. I am excited and SO nervous! This is where I leave it in God's hands...


  1. I hate going to the doctor as well, but I'm always glad to get it over with. I pray that the Lord chooses to bless you and Jason with a child-- I know that you would be great parents. Have fun trying!(0:

  2. Oh, I'm sorry you feel like a pincushion, but you have to do that everyday anyway. But, I know that it is a different kind of needle. If I were there I'd give you a great big hug, sweetie. Good for you doing the right thing. I love you!

  3. What an exciting time for both of you!! To have your man back home... and now looking forward to beginning a family!! What a blessing! Keep us posted!! ;-)

  4. I am excited for you... as you prepare your body to try to conceive a baby!!
    I will be praying for you in the hopes that you can become pregnant without problems...
    And I also pray that your migraines will not become a problem as you come off the pill.

  5. I don't like going to the doctor either!

  6. I will pray for you....hope you can conceive quickly and don't have to deal with the migraines! Make sure to get lots of practice time in!

  7. That is just TOO COOL! ...getting ready for a baby, that is. NOT feeling like a pincushion!! I'm excited for you both.

  8. That is exactly what you need to do is leave it in the Lords hands. Take it from someone that had a hard time doing that. We tried for 3 years before having our daughter. We got tested and nothing major showed up. There were times I thought I was going crazy, my hormones made me a wreck. I finally relaxed and the Lord blessed us. If in your adventure of getting pregnant you ever need someone to talk to when you get frustrated or disappointed you can talk to someone that has been there. I hope that once you are off the pill and regulated that it is fast and easy. I will be praying for you both to become parents. And for it to be a short journey to the wonderful gift at the end. If you ever need to talk to someone don't hesitate md_murra at yahoo dot com.

    One major tip, have fun. And I am sure that is not hard in this moment and time.

  9. Your life is in His hands. Praying for your hearts desire.

  10. Shots have never really bothered me, except for the big stinking IV needle ~ now that hurts!!

    Prenatal vitamins ~ I wish they could pack all that nutrients into something smaller. When I had to take them they seemed like a big ol' horse pill. Who knows, now days maybe they are smaller. I hope so!!

    I can't wait to read the post when you announce your pregnant [or see the countdown :) ] In the mean time, enjoy all the practicing!!! =]

  11. Hey Christie! I know what you mean, I have to be so very careful this time of year. I developed asthma in my first pregnancy,(I have 2 now.)I'm working real hard to get the baby weight off right now so I can get off all my steiroids and other asthma meds. I hope the Lord blesses ya'll soon w/ a baby, mine bring such joy to my life. I've enjoyed reading your blog. God Bless!

  12. OH how exciting. Good luck to you guys. I know how much you would like to be a mommy. You guys would be great parents.

  13. How exciting to start this new adventure!! Good luck with the process!

  14. Holy Cow!

    YAY! I'm so excited! I want a friend with a baby :o)

    You'll be in my prayers as always!
