
Christmas Shopping

I am determined to have my Christmas shopping done in a timely manner this year. No waiting 'til last minute. I want to enjoy the Christmas season, as it is my FAVORITE time of the year.

I don't like crowds, they put me in a BAD mood. Really, it justs makes me want to punch someone. I know that is awful. But, seriously, I drive across town to the commissary that is further away just because they are never crowded (which is saying alot with gas at $3.09 a gallon now!). Yes, I have one 5 minutes away, but to me, it's not worth it because I come out of there as ill as a hornet, no...as ill as a whole nest of hornets (if that's possible). I just am not a patient person when it comes to waiting, and waiting...and waiting in looooong lines, biting my tongue when someone whips their cart in front of me and then just stands there looking at the same thing for 20 minutes, knowing I'm trying to look at something right in front of them, the parents who let their children scream endlessly...AT THEM, because they aren't getting their way, the people that almost run you over and don't even acknowledge you. It's already started...today I was at Wal-Mart, walking on my side of the aisle, when a guy, no older than me, walked right down the WRONG side, right in front of me and refused to move over to his side, forcing me to move over even though I was on the right side, then smirked when I had to get out of his way. He would have literally ran me over if I wouldn't have moved at the last second. What happened to chivalry, yep...in most cases, it's dead (I am thankful everyday that I met a prince charming and not an evil villain).

So, all that being said about how much crowds disturb me. I want the month of December to be full of shopping-free bliss, snuggly nights by the Christmas tree, baking yummy Christmas treats (oh boy, I have a list going for this one), Christmas lights hayrides at a local farm with my family who is coming to visit in December, catching as many Christmas specials on t.v. as I can, loading my Ipod with all my favorite Christmas tunes so that every time I'm in the car I will hear sounds of the season, sipping hot chocolate while wrapping my pre-holiday bought gifts by the tree...you get the idea, lol.

Well, now that I'm very much in the Christmas mood, I am going to go look over my list and see what I have left to get. Only 13 days 'til Thanksgiving, and then that Friday, our Christmas season begins...YAY!


  1. I think you have the right idea here. I don't care for the crowds either and it seems like there are already alot of sales going on. I would really like to enjoy my December the way that you have described. You've talked me into it! I've got to get my list going and get shopping.

    On a side note....I've been wondering if Jason has any pain or side effects from his injury in Iraq. Maybe he's all healed up by now. Hope so!! I was just hoping that there wouldn't be any set backs to you two attending and enjoying the Ball.

  2. GOOD FOR YOU! I am actually going to try and get my shopping done early as well. I have to go through the stuff I bought throughout the year and see where I am at though. That's always a task in itself.

  3. I hate crowds as well. I'm not shopping much this year, even for the kids. I'm feeling like the season has gotten away from us, and we need to slow down, or we'll never get it back to what it is about.

  4. I feel the same way you do about shopping with crowds. I try to go to the stores early on weekdays to get my shopping done, and this year I made a list early and I'm picking things up as I see them. I'm all about the tree, cocoa, music, the candles -- boy, oh boy, you really got me in the spirit of things now!

  5. Yeah for you. We have most all of our shopping done. As we are having Christmas in a couple weeks with Al's family.
    We love it that way. It gets the shopping done ahead of time.
    It's less running. It makes December much more enjoyable. We can do all those exact things you mentioned without feeling rushed and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas.

    Can't wait to see pictures from the ball.

  6. I am a catalog shopper myself... I shopped in catalogs before it was the cool way to shop...
    I order the presents for my kiddies who live in another state... and they are delivered right to their door in time for Christmas.....
    and Christmas is my favorite time also....
    I hope you and your sweet family have a great Thanksgiving together

  7. I'm in a Christmas mood too!
    I can not wait!

  8. I'm afraid you got that distaste of crowded shopping from me. As you know, I run out of patience in an overloaded store.

  9. Yeah, I'm not into the Christmas shopping madness, either. I want the main bulk done by Thanksgiving. I'm working at it....

  10. You are a woman after my own heart. I wish I had my act together and had my shopping all finished.

    Our gas is $3.19 or higher here. Count the small blessings in your life I guess.

  11. Hi! I found your blog through Dawn's. I hope you don't mind. I have most of my Christmas shopping done too. I'm the same way with crowds. I get very stressed out! This year I've bought a lot of items online too. That's not quite as fun as shopping, but a whole lot eaiser, especially with a toddler.

  12. It's too bad that the frenzy of crowds and bad manners have to mar our Christmas spirit...I agree, crowds make me a little stressed, too!
    I just bought my first Christmas presents last night...I was so excited! I will probably brave day-after-Thanksgiving crowds only if I see some must have deals.
    Oh, and I get some of my presents on-line now...so much easier sometimes!

    And you're so right about chivalry...when I do see it out and about it always makes me smile because it's so rare these days!

  13. Hey! I've missed you - I've been reading when I had time, just not commenting.

    We all got our flu shots as well, since my mother lives with us. She is 78 and we really don't need to get sick around her.

    I, like you, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Christmas but hate the stress of shopping with the grumpy people. I am almost finished with my shopping and usually do as much as possible online. I also like to make a lot of stuff. I love to save the end of November and all of December for friends and baking!!! And cooking!!! Okay, I think you get my drift...

    Thank you so much for your sweet thoughts and prayers. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  14. Welcome back, Christie!! This post made me laugh because I can sooo relate to everything you said. It sounds like you are well on your way to having all the "to do's" accomplished so you can sit back and enjoy all the wonderfulness of Christmas with Jason! BTW, next time make sure you put on your helmet when you're in WalMart;o)

  15. You would never survive with me the day after Thanksgiving then! My sisters and I have a tradition of going shopping and fighting the masses of people to maybe find a good deal (it's more about spending time with each other than shopping). In reality...I hate crowds too.

  16. I'm trying to get my shopping and gift making done ahead of time, too. A couple of years ago I finally realized that I needed to start earlier because I needed just a little more time to get it all done since my family size had grown!! That would seem kinda obvious to most, but sometimes I'm a little preoccupied and miss the obvious ~ lol.

    A Happy Veterans' Day to you and your sweetheart. Praying for you both as you begin the steps needed to grow your family. May the Lord bless you greatly! :o)

  17. I usually begin Christmas presents (creating-making-purchasing) in January and as we don't have a long list of people to give gifts to, it's not necessarily overwhelming...unless I don't begin in January and the year gets away from me and it's a week before Thanksgiving and I still have a few things to do before I can wrap and mail them. whew.

    A few years ago we opted out of gifting the entire extended family and it saved quite a bit of $$$ and time. We, like Tracy at Unless the Lord, desired to get back to the real reason for the season rather than being consumed by consumerism and expectation.

    Okay - off my soap box - but it was ever so enjoyable standing a few inches higher than my 5'2". ;o)

    Bless you...
