
Happenings, and My Current Leave of Absence

I am alive...in case you were wondering;o) Ever since Jason's been home, the computer has been at the bottom of my list. His unit has been wonderful about keeping them out of the shop and at home as much as possible. He goes in at 7:30 am and is home by 9:30 am...leaving us plenty of "us" time, and not much computer time. We have enjoyed the beach, the local islands, new restaurants, quiet evenings watching movies and cooking dinner, and on and on! I am sorry I haven't come by to visit...I will be back though! Next Friday we are heading back home, and from there, on Monday, we are headed to our week long vacation in Gatlinburg, TN!!!!! I made reservations at an adorable little cabin for a whole 7 days, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!! Then it's back to Dad and Mom's for 4 days before he has to check back in. I know, I know, I am a slacker about getting around to your blogs, but I hope y'all understand:oD BUT, I did want to share what my sweetie surprised me with last week:Yep, a new car! Man, do I have a keeper or what?!? A new 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo:) The red color has an orange tint to it, and I've actually never seen this red on any other Jeep. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was fine with my old Jeep, it was my old trusty, but he said he wanted something brand new and ultra reliable since we want to start a family soon, something we could keep for a long time, and of course he knows his wife is a Jeep gal.

To give you a little background: most people know that military members do not make a ton of money, but we only have 1 car payment...mine. To be able to keep me home, like we always talked about, Jason drives a '98 Prelude that is completely paid for, and actually loves it. What a wonderful, selfless man I married. I am blessed.


  1. Yay! So glad to hear that he's been home so much :o)

    Have a great vacation in TN!

    Love you and miss you!

  2. OMG!!! A new Jeep! How cool is that!!!

    So glad you took the time to update us. I miss ya, but totally understand. Sounds like you are having such an awesome time together.

    I can't wait for that Ball to get here. I'm already looking forward to the pictures.

    Have a great, romantic time in TN!!!!

  3. I'm so happy for the two of you! And I'm really glad that Jason is getting some down time. Kudos to the Marine Corp for recogniziing that you need some couple time to reconnect. Your vacation sounds wonderful, although from the sounds of things, you're already in paradise!

    Nice jeep! I think he was a keeper even before that purchase, as I'm sure you did too! (0;

  4. Christie ~ I don't expect to see you making rounds for some time!! Enjoy your Honey, your family and your vacation!! And *love* that new Jeep! :o)

  5. Don't feel guilty for NOT blogging. Trust me girl...we ALL understand.

    Military does NOT make nearly enough for what they do. We know that first hand. I LOVE, LOVE your new jeep!!!

  6. Awesome!!!!!! Husband!!!!!!! Does he give out lessons. J/k That is so great of you to stop by to let us know how things are going. Even though was not expected for awhile yet. Hoping but not expected. It is so wonderful that you have been able to spend so much time together since his return. Your vacation sounds so romantic!!!!!!!!!! Who knows maybe this little vacation will bring growth to your family. Prayers for that. Have a wonderful time and can't wait to hear all about it and see tons of pics.

  7. Totally understandable. I know I would want to be spending every waking moment doing lots of fun things with my husband.
    Enjoy your time in TN!!!!
    Love your new jeep.

  8. yeah you are Keepin' the Homefires Burnin all right...
    Great picture of you and honey at the beach...

    And wonderful surprise Jason sprung on you..the Jeep will keep you going for a long long time...
    Great Looking Jeep... Enjoy!!!!!

  9. I don't blame you at all for not wanting to spend time on the computer....take all the time you need with that wonderful hubby of your!

    Love the new Jeep...yeah....you do have a keeper there!

    Now get back to workin' on that family and check in with us from time to time!

  10. Oh WOW!! A new Jeep!! That is just awesome, and it sure is a beaut!!

    "Be released" from computer duties! LOL!! You and Jason need to enjoy yourselves. We miss you, but I know I am just so happy your sweetie is home. I prayed for ya'll today. =o)

  11. Christie, you just enjoy life and leave the blogging to your mom. She's wonderful and keeps us in the loop. We love you and are just so stinkin' happy for you to be back with your man!

    Happy Jeepin' Girl!

  12. You take all the time you need away from the computer! I certainly think you deserve it.

    That new car is gorgeous! What a great surprise.

    Enjoy your vacation. I bet it will be wonderful.

  13. Of course we understand that you will be away from the computer! I'd be the same way! Enjoy your time together and your trip!!!!

    Love your new ride!!

  14. We totally understand!!! Enjoy your time with your darlin'! good to hear from you tho.
    take care

  15. I am glad you are enjoying your time together!

    I LOVE THE CAR!!!!!!!!!!

  16. What a great present. I cried as I looked at the homecoming pictures. I am so happy that you were finally reunited. My nephew leaves Wed. for Iraq. Good luck with starting your new family.

  17. Don't you worry one bit about us ~ your first priority is your wonderful husband . . . . enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!

  18. Don't apologize, just enjoy every minute with him!


  19. Oh Christi, I thought I'd pop in to see if you had posted, and this was just wonderful to read!
    Please...I don't expect you to spend time on the computer when your husband is back home...you're still on your honeymoon in a way!
    (((HUGS)) to both of you and have a great time in TN!

  20. Okay, Christie, I have to be honest. I know that you deserve this time away with Jason - BUT, I am really missing your posts. I hope everything is going well. Can't wait till you're back!!!

  21. The vehicle is awesome!! Glad you are enjoying every minute with your man! Sit back and take it all in, you both deserve it!!

  22. just popped in to see if there was any news/new post....I like your new look, it's very pretty!
