
Yay, Yay, Yay!!!

So, a quick update! Jason has informed me that rumor has it that his unit will be leaving Iraq by the end of August, and that he will be stepping foot back on our American soil, at our base, no later than SEPTEMBER 5th!!! I am trying not to get too excited, but...oh...too late, I'm SO excited! Now I know that the military is infamous for changing things at any time, but usually it stays close to what they say. My mom and I are going back to look for a rental house (or condo or apartment...whatever God puts in our path) on July 31st and will stay until August 3rd. If y'all don't mind too much, maybe pray that we will find a place quickly, and that everything will go smoothly, oh, and that Jason will be back by the time they are talking about. Tentatively, my parents and I will be moving us back the weekend of August 18th, so that I will have time to set up house before Jason gets home. That way, he can just be happy about being home and not have to worry with anything:) It's getting much closer! A little over 3 months to go, we're almost half way!!!

AND...I just want to say thank you to all of you that have been continually praying for and keeping up with us. It really does mean the world to me. Every single one of you have touched my life. Y'ALL ARE FABULOUS!!!


  1. Oh, I'm praying, praying, praying! I will continue to pray. You know, I hope, through your Mom, that your family just seems to stay on my heart. God knows why, I just pray.

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day and keep us updated!

  2. a great big..............

    that's fantastic news :o)
    we pray for Jason everyday! I just mailed him another card ~~~ he'll probably get it in a few weeks ~~~

    love you & can't wait to see you on the 5th

  3. Oh that would be wonderful if he got to come home by the beginning of September. I will be praying that he will be able to.

    I would be excited! At least by getting a home ready before he gets home will keep you busy. That would be a wonderful thing for him to come home too.

  4. Oh, I will be praying for this date! I pray for Jason's safety. I can't wait to see pictures of your new place that is soon-to-be!

  5. That is great news, Christie, and I will keep praying for the two of you!

  6. YIIPPEE!! I am praying for your family!

  7. Hey Christie Belle, Autumn and I comment to each other, and as I was looking on her blog, I ventured onto yours. I just wanted to say that I'm praying for you and your hubby. God bless you greatly.

  8. Praying for you both! There is something special about hitting the half-way point isn't there ~ I do remember that!

  9. I am so excited for you! I know how much you miss your man. We are all thrilled he will be home sooner than we expected! We will have to throw a big party! I can help you plan :)
    Love you,

  10. Praying, praying, praying. That sounds wonderful.

    Have fun finding a place and setting it up. How exciting, I am sure the time will fly.

  11. Such GREAT news and rejoicing with you!! I'm praying you will be lead to just the right place to live and that hubby will arrive home safely. Blessings!! Diane

  12. This is SUCH wonderful news!!!!! I am so happy for you guys and I will be praying for you both!! :-)

  13. I've just said a prayer for the safe and speedy return of your husband from Iraq. Even though we don't know each other, I can't help but be excited for you!

  14. Oh, Christie Belle....I'm praying! This is exciting news! I'll be praying for Jason's safety and for everything to go smoothly!

    Oh...and I was just catching up a bit, and loved the pictures of your hair! Gorgeous color and style! :D

    Have a good Memorial Day weekend!

  15. WOO HOO!!!! I will be praying for you and all that you require! (((hugs)))

  16. Hip, hip, hooray!!! I pray that he is able to come home on that date. What a joyful time of love and celebration that will be! I bet I will be able to hear y'all shouting from the rooftops all the way in Virginia;o)

  17. Christie, may God bring him home soon and safe! Our prayers are with you and may all the details be in His hands. We know He has a plan for you!

  18. I am very happy for you and Jason!! I will never forget the day Mark called and told me he was coming back to the USA earlier than planned.
