
This Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day is about remembering and honoring those who have served and died for our country and it's people. I also think it's about remembering those who have served and are serving. My husband being one of them. I love you, my hero. You are making the sacrifice to defend me, our nation, our fellow Americans, and I am so proud of you. There is not a day, a minute that goes by that I don't think of you and miss you with all of my heart.


  1. Thinking and praying for Jason!!
    I'll also be praying for him to get home sooner than you planned. I know you can't wait to wrap your arms around your (and our) hero!!

    Your new hair color looks FABULOUS darling!! :0)

  2. What a great picture. I will be keeping you and your hubby in my prayers.

    My dad was in Korea many, many years ago. I always remember him and the many men that served, and lost their lives, on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.

    Happy and safe Memorial Day to you.

  3. Jason, I want to extend my thanks for representing our country in the ultimate, bravest way possible. I pray for your safety as you protect the safety of our country and my family. God bless you!

  4. Thank you, Jason, for serving our country and us. Freedom is not free, and you are paying that price for us. Bless you. You are in my prayers for safety and a quick homecoming!!

  5. Thank your husband for me also. I am very thankful for those who are serving right now, putting their life on the line for families like mine. so I say thankyou to your husband and for you being a good wife and waiting for his return. connie from Texas

  6. Awwwwwwww you ladies are going to make me cry. Thank you for your prayers
    And Thank you Sugar Bear for being the BESTEST wife in the world! I LOVE YOU
    SMOOOOOOOOOOCH xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxo

  7. Ok, so I'm about to leave on vacation and Rich just game in here to my 'office' and said, "why are you crying? don't you want to go to the beach?" ~~~ what a sweet tribute to Jason! we're all praying for his safe and speedy return!!

    Love you!

  8. Christie,

    Your husband isn't defending just your nation. No, I think American soldiers fight for peace in the entire world!

    Praying for you.

  9. A big fat loud THANK YOU! To you wonderful hubby!

  10. Most definitely Memorial Day is a day to remember, thank and pray for those that serve our country. So I thank your dear husband, Jason, for his courage and sacrifice. And I thank you Christie for *your* courage and sacrifice ~ it's not easy being the one left at home! I continue to pray for you both ~ for the Lord's protection to bring Jason safely home to you and for Him to comfort you both as only God can in your loneliness for each other.

  11. Jason, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the sacrifices that you are making for our country and our freedom. We owe you such a huge debt of gratitude. Be safe, take care, and God bless.

  12. Your husband is in my prayers, and thank him for me and my family.

    Blessings to you,

  13. A big thank you to you, Jason! You are in my prayers.

  14. Jason, I pray for you and Christy daily. I was an Air Force kid, and remember all the times my own father was away. Although not in the actual line of duty, he was killed in a horrible crash when taking off for Viet Nam. Today I remember him and countless others who have paid that price.

    Thank you for all you are doing and will continue to do for your country, our protection, and our freedom.


  15. Thank you Jason, you are also my hero! God Bless all of our heroes!

  16. Well said, Christie, you know how I agree with you!! And I think you are right about those dress blues!! (I always was a sucker for a man in a uniform!!) It does make you feel proud. :-)

    You and your husband remain in my prayers!!

  17. Every Sunday when we pray for our troops I specifically pray for you Jason as well as other times, too. What a blessing you are to me and my family! Thank you for all you are doing and the sacrifice you have made.
    May the Lord protect you at all times placing his hedge around you and may He deliver you.
    I love your wife and pray for her as well. God speed!

  18. Jason, thank you for serving and protecting our county.
    Your safety is in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Thank you Jason for your sacrifices on behalf of me...and US! Also, Christie for your sacrifice and heartache as you wait for your man to return home. Our prayers are with you both. Blessings, Diane

  20. My prayers will continue to be with Jason...what a wonderful picture of him- it represents all that he doing on behalf of his country.

    I thank him this Memorial Day week for all of his sacrifices...and I thank you, too! Because as a spouse, you certainly sacrifice, as well.

  21. It makes me sad to think of all that have died. I miss him alot.
